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80 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2022 | FOLLOW CASTING'S DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. No two audi ons are alike, and what one cas ng director prefers another may not. So, before you start, be sure to read the breakdowns carefully and follow recording and submission instruc ons to a T. If you have any ques ons, reach out to cas ng. S elf-taping is an undoubtedly important skill to have in your u lity kit. But even if you're recording your first or 100th self-tape, it's easy to forget certain ps and tricks. Experts recommend that the next me you find yourself ge ng ready to press record, keep these things in mind: 1 2 3 CREATE AN IDEAL RECORDING ENVIRONMENT. You want there to be as li le distrac on in your recording as possible — a er all, the focus should be on you and your performance. While you can't control everything happening around you, take stock of what you can control: ligh ng, your backdrop and clothing, and outside noise. Make sure that you're well-lit on camera, your backdrop and clothing are solid colors with no pa erns or wording, and that you've eliminated manageable noise like your fan. REVIEW YOUR TAKES. Self-taping gives you the advantage of making as many takes as possible, but that doesn't mean every one is worthy of submission. Before you send off your take — or takes — give everything one last review. Also, be objec ve: If something stands out that you dislike, you can bet cas ng will no ce it as well. In those cases, either choose a be er take or try again. Remember, your goal isn't to film a perfect audi on, but to record your best performance. LABEL YOUR TAKES. Be sure that your files are labeled according to instruc ons. If none is provided, label your file with your name, the role and the number of each take. For example: "JOHN DOE SUPERHERO 01." While there's no guarantee you'll be cast for the role you're going out for, it's always possible that what you record today offers a new opportunity tomorrow. You want to make sure that cas ng can easily find you when the me comes! PRACTICE. Like in-person audi ons and ac ng itself, self-taping is a skill that you master with prac ce. When you're not ac vely going out for roles, prac ce self-taping. The more you familiarize yourself with the process, the easier self-taping becomes — which means a be er submission each me. 4 5 5 Helpf u l Self-Ta pi ng Re m i nd e rs