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16 SAG-AFTRA | Fall/Winter 2022 | A Letter from the National Executive Director Dear Member, A fter a couple of unprecedented and challenging years, I am very pleased to report that planning is well underway for the reopening of all SAG-AFTRA offices on Jan. 30. The return to office will be an orderly and phased-in process, as we replace resource conservation with a period of moderation. In-person events at our offices will gradually resume over the succeeding weeks. There are a lot of moving parts to coordinate as we all adjust to a new normal where COVID is an ongoing concern, and of course we will keep the safety of our members and staff at the forefront of everything. Since 2020, much of the union's work has been done remotely, but not everything can be done from home. A significant number of employees have continued to come into the office and visit sets, even from the very first days of the pandemic, to ensure members are being served, and to them I am eternally grateful. Let me also express my gratitude to our volunteer member leaders and all of our dedicated staff. Your passion, commitment and flexibility during this time of upheaval is the heart and soul of this organization. SAG-AFTRA is at its best in the partnership between members and the staff. As part of our deployment of more resources to key initiatives, we have been staffing up, after having to reduce staff substantially in 2020 due to the pandemic. These are important steps toward being able to fully support board and committee meetings, other member events and provide in-person service. Speaking of which, I am anticipating that our first substantial in-person events will be SAG Awards viewing parties on Feb. 26. In the meantime, the essential work of the union continues. Coming up soon are our wages and working conditions meetings for our TV/Theatrical Contracts. This is the chance for all members working under these contracts to provide their input and let the negotiating team know what's most important to you so that your union can deliver contracts that fit your needs. President Fran Drescher will be chairing the negotiating committee and some of the other members have been seated. This process will begin this month, and the meetings will be held virtually, presenting opportunities for members from all regions and work categories to give their input. Member feedback is the first step in every victory we achieve. It is evident in the restrictions on self-taping we have been negotiating into our contracts as well as the new exclusivity provisions with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers and Netflix. It all begins with you, so make your voice heard. Lastly, as this is our last issue of SAG-AFTRA magazine for 2022, let me wish you happy holidays. May you find peace and joy throughout the season and in the new year. Stronger together, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland D U N C A N C R A B T R E E - I R E L A N D "Member feedback is the first step in every victory we achieve … It all begins with you, so make your voice heard."