AEA Special Assignment Organizational Consultant Chico Robinson was selected for the
2022-23 NEA Fellows Program. As part of his fellowship, Chico was assigned to a new
organizing team, including AEA Organizational Consultant Liz Leivas and organizer
Ricardo Gomez committed to identifying and recruiting education support professionals
to join their union. e results have been amazing!
100 Ne Memer
100 Ne Memer
100 Ne Memer
100 Ne Memer
Phoenix Union High School District
e team met on July 29, 2022, and set a goal of recruiting
100 new education support professional members in 30
days. ey decided to focus on two a liates, Phoenix
Union and Cartwright Elementary.
With nearly 500 members, Phoenix
Union Classi ed Employees Association
(PUCEA) is the largest education support
professional union in the state.
171 classi ed employees attended the
annual induction event. 60 were already
union members and 33 joined that day.
PUCEA held 54% density in the room
and increased their membership 5%