Computer Graphics World

July/August 2013

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Let us know your thoughts on SIGGRAPH 2013: Submit a blog to Article: Go to "Extras" in the July/August 2013 issue box for another Q&A with Mk Haley a .com SIGGRAPH 2013: 40 Years in the Making Anniversaries, especially those marking milestones, call for celebration. This year, SIGGRAPH turns 40. Last year, SIGGRAPH began a multi-year theme centered around art and science, and 2013 continues to embrace this concept, which seems to describe today's attendees so well. Here we talk to Mk Haley, SIGGRAPH 2013 chair, about her thoughts on this big event. The Magazine for DigiTal ConTenT Professionals EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Karen Moltenbrey e: t: 603.432.7568 CONTRIbuTINg EDITORS Courtney Howard, Jenny Donelan, Kathleen Maher, George Maestri, Martin McEachern, Barbara Robertson PublISHER / PRESIDENT / CEO William R. Rittwage COP Communications ADVERTISING SALES What can attendees expect differently in this second year with the Art/Science theme? I am thrilled that we are working across three years (2012, 2013, and 2014) with a theme that celebrates not just our community of hardcore Art or Science – and for 2013 specifically, Left Brain/Right Brain – but also the intersections with each other, and those that resonate equal parts both! It has encouraged some really great conversation among our attendees and contributors who identify with, or want to collaborate with, the diverse makeup of attendees. DIRECTOR OF SAlES—NATIONAl Mari Kohn e: t: 818.291.1153 c: 818.472.1491 How does this year's theme resonate with you on a personal level? I feel it's a more honest depiction of what is so great about our community than just the idea that we 'serve everyone.' We are a mix of subject matter experts with deep knowledge in specific arenas, who seamlessly connect at SIGGRAPH, as well as people who straddle both worlds, or meander in and out of each across their career. It celebrates our diversity across so many other areas by just planting the idea in your head in the first place. Pioneers and Students, Exhibitors and Contributors, Local and World Travelers. Our strength is not that we are all the same, it's that we are very, very different, and share ourselves freely. EDITORIAl OFFICE / lA SAlES OFFICE 620 West Elk Avenue, glendale, CA 91204 t: 800.280.6446 In what ways are you "Art"? I have a BFA and an MFA in Computer Animation/Design. I am certified 'Art.' In what ways are you "Science"? For about 11 of my 19 years with Disney, I have worked within R&D, starting with an experimental virtual reality project in 1994, and currently as a research producer. I am paid 'Science!' How has SIGGRAPH influenced you personally and professionally? In 1997, I welcomed a team of over 600 student volunteers, a large subcommittee team, and contractor partners. That opportunity would be highly unlikely to otherwise surface for me professionally at that age, but immediately led to more senior leadership positions professionally because I had the SIGGRAPH experience under my belt. As I moved professionally from animation and design work to interactive technologies, I was qualified to support and then chair the Emerging Technologies venue at the conference. I have been welcomed and mentored by industry legends, as well as trusted by students to mentor them. I started teaching smaller workshops with SIGGRAPH, and moved to faculty positions at a university level. I am honored to have made lifelong friends and professional allies, both collecting tickets at a reception and serving on teams alongside quality people. So both my personal and professional interests have been intertwined in the opportunities that SIGGRAPH has provided me, as well as the expertise I have been able to contribute right back. DIRECTOR OF SAlES—WEST COAST Jeff Victor e: t: 224.436.8044 CORPORATE SAlES ExECuTIvE—EvENTS, CuSTOm AND INTEgRATED PRINT/PublISHINg SERvICES Lisa Black e: t: 818.660-5828 ART/PRODUCTION ART DIRECTOR Michael Viggiano e: ONlINE AND NEW mEDIA Stan Belchev SubSCRIPTIONS 818.291.1158 CuSTOmER SERvICE e: t: 800.280.6446, opt. 3 COmPuTER gRAPHICS WORlD mAgAzINE IS PublISHED by COmPuTER gRAPHICS WORlD, A COP COmmuNICATIONS COmPANy. Computer graphics World does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. Computer graphics World cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations or other materials.Address all subscription correspondence to: Computer graphics World, 620 West Elk Ave, glendale, CA 91204. Subscriptions are available free to qualified individuals within the united States. Non-qualified subscription rates: uSA—$68 for 1 year, $98 for 2 years; Canadian subscriptions —$98 for 1 year and $136 for 2 years; all other countries—$150 for 1 year and $208 for 2 years. Digital subscriptions are available for $27 per year. Subscribers can also contact customer service by calling 818-291-1158, or sending an email to Postmaster: Send Address Changes to Computer graphics World, 620 W. Elk Ave., glendale, CA 91204 Please send customer service inquiries to 620 W. Elk Ave., glendale, CA 91204 RECENT AWARDS Karen Moltenbrey Editor-in-Chief 2 ■ CGW Ju l y / Au g u s t 2 0 1 3

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