Production Sound & Video

Spring 2022

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26 PRODUCTION SOUND & VIDEO – Spring 2022 STANDING with Steve Evans: Battling Blood Cancer by James Delhauer A core belief at the heart of the labor movement is that we are stronger together than we are apart; that what would be impossible for one to accomplish alone becomes possible through the collective. We have a responsibility to look out for and take care of one another, secure in the knowledge that when it is our time of need, our brothers and sisters in the union will be there for us. Now is such a time when one of our own needs our help. In July of last year, brother Steve Evans, a boom operator with more than thirty years of service within Local 695, was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome, a rare form of cancer that targets the bone marrow and causes blood cells to become abnormal. This is a call for help to all 695 members and to anyone else who might be reading.

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