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F O U N D A T I O N | P E R S P E C T I V E 8 1 When Dr. Isaac Asimov wrote his now-classic Foundation trilogy nearly eighty years ago, despite his legendary imagination, he could not have envisioned the technology, nor the globe-spanning resources, that have been employed in bringing his opus to Apple TV+. Set twenty thousand years in the future, Foundation concerns an authoritarian galactic empire, whose rulers take pains to suppress prophecies of their downfall. When I was hired to work on Foundation, I was happily surprised that executive producer/series creator David S. Goyer immediately presented me with all ten scripts for the first season. wasn't used to getting the entire story and being able to break eerything down starting on my first day. Preproduction was relatively short, and eighty percent of the series had to be designed before the start of production in November 2019. Along with my friend and colleague, isual effects superisor Chris MacLean, I started on Foundation before any directors or cinematographers had been hired. y first few months consisted of traeling with hris to a ariety of farung countries, scouting for suitable locations for all the different planets that would be seen. We went to Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Malta, the Canary Islands and Spain. I spent a lot of time in airport lounges and on planes sketching spaceships, creatures and the diverse architecture of the various worlds. A. LIBRARY EXTERIOR ON TRANTOR. ILLUSTRATION BY WAYNE HAAG.