CDG - The Costume Designer

Winter 2022

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79 79 Christoher as a eter an character and henever I orried about him, he alas told me he as invincible and charmed, and nothing ould ever haen to him. e as uite the daredevil. hen garden ing ith his brother in recent ears, he ould climb u eoles houses and trees to uite a height. henever e ent alk ing in the countrside, he ould nd a hill and roll right don it and end u covered in bums and bruises, but laughing uncon trollabl. I can imagine the thrill of kaaking don a fast oing river ould have been amazing for him. I as told b David that the had sent about an hour saing ho di erent and fun this as comared to the canal. Christoher as such a cativating resencehe ould hate the idea of being normal and boring. e loved to laugh, and as etremel funn. Our neighbours could hear his loud cackle to oors u hen he as atching his comed. Outdoor ursuits erent his natural goto hobb, and this ould have been onl the second time he had ever kaaked. oever, he as a black belt in karate, and enoed longdistance running and ccling before lockdon. is other assions ere making cock tails he made the BEST gin martini and atching his favourite lms, such as Incetion, hich he ould atch at least once a eek. At the time of the accident, it nall felt like everthing as coming into lace for Chris toher. is career had never brought him nancial success, but the signing of this ne book made him feel like man more doors ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich he as brimming ith ecitement about. e as deserate to go back to e ork, ith the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln eights, our siritual home, one da. Christoher as a fanatic about costume design and a oerful advocate for our art form. If ou ever had the leasure to hear him seak, no doubt ou itnessed his bound less enthusiasmit as contagious. e as a kind, funn and generous man, and a lov er of 190s vintage clothing, of hich he had a ver ne collection. e as ver honored to have been invited b the CDG to moder ate the ComicCon anels of 2020 he had so man friends among our members. e ere so luck to have him in our orld. ristin Burke Christoher as a oneman ublicit team for all costume designers. e loved lm, but his assion as clothing. e shoed interest, ecitement, and a dee resect for ever inch of the costuming rocess. e as our reliable narrator, making our e orts seen and our voices heard. is loalt cannot be underestimated. Im roud to have called him m good friend. Am estcott F a c t cos tume ould have been onl the second ould have been onl the second time he had ever kaaked. oever, time he had ever kaaked. oever, time he had ever kaaked. oever, he as a black belt in karate, and he as a black belt in karate, and he as a black belt in karate, and enoed longdistance running enoed longdistance running and ccling before lockdon. is and ccling before lockdon. is other assions ere making cock other assions ere making cock other assions ere making cock tails he made the BEST gin martini tails he made the BEST gin martini tails he made the BEST gin martini tails he made the BEST gin martini tails he made the BEST gin martini tails he made the BEST gin martini and atching his favourite lms, such as and atching his favourite lms, such as and atching his favourite lms, such as and atching his favourite lms, such as and atching his favourite lms, such as and atching his favourite lms, such as Incetion Incetion Incetion Incetion, hich he ould atch at least once , hich he ould atch at least once , hich he ould atch at least once Incetion, hich he ould atch at least once Incetion a eek. a eek. a eek. At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like At the time of the accident, it nall felt like everthing as coming into lace for Chris everthing as coming into lace for Chris everthing as coming into lace for Chris everthing as coming into lace for Chris everthing as coming into lace for Chris everthing as coming into lace for Chris toher. is career had never brought him toher. is career had never brought him toher. is career had never brought him toher. is career had never brought him toher. is career had never brought him toher. is career had never brought him nancial success, but the signing of this ne nancial success, but the signing of this ne nancial success, but the signing of this ne nancial success, but the signing of this ne nancial success, but the signing of this ne nancial success, but the signing of this ne book made him feel like man more doors book made him feel like man more doors book made him feel like man more doors book made him feel like man more doors book made him feel like man more doors book made him feel like man more doors ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom ould oen for him. e had ust done a oom lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich lecture at a universit in Amsterdam, hich he as brimming ith ecitement about. e he as brimming ith ecitement about. e he as brimming ith ecitement about. e he as brimming ith ecitement about. e he as brimming ith ecitement about. e he as brimming ith ecitement about. e as deserate to go back to e ork, ith as deserate to go back to e ork, ith as deserate to go back to e ork, ith as deserate to go back to e ork, ith as deserate to go back to e ork, ith as deserate to go back to e ork, ith the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln the hoe that e ould retire to Brookln eights, our siritual home, one da. eights, our siritual home, one da. eights, our siritual home, one da. eights, our siritual home, one da. eights, our siritual home, one da. Christoher as a eter an character and Christoher as a eter an character and henever I orried about him, he alas henever I orried about him, he alas told me he as invincible and charmed, and nothing ould ever haen to him. and nothing ould ever haen to him. e as uite the daredevil. hen garden e as uite the daredevil. hen garden ing ith his brother in recent ears, he ould climb u eoles houses and trees He w li n r , mak• e• ts s• n • voic - d. —Amy W tc‡ t

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