CDG - The Costume Designer

Winter 2022

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77 , ng c w k ga g• • co• u d€ ry ywƒ d. Christoher as diagnosed ith highfunc tioning autism around three ears ago, and although he had trained himself ver ell, so eole often thought he as the life and soul of the art, he found social situations etremel diffi cult. oever, he loved ever minute of the time he sent ith Dave. The had recentl gone kaaking together toard the end of 2020, on a canal near Skiton, and had a great time, but found it ver slo going, so Christoher as etremel ecit ed to tell me of their lans to tr a river route at the end of Ma. e as counting don the eeks, and told me it as ust hat he needed to hel get over his loss. cap va ng p‡ sˆ ce cap va ng p‡ s cap va ng p‡ s about this, he ould often dance around the at and um u and don, and he couldnt ait to get cracking on it. The todo list, ith the rst to items crossed o , is still in his notebook in his offi ce. e had been ait ing for this for such a long time. Sadl, e lost Christohers mum to COID this ear in anuar, after she had sent to months in hosital after a fall. She hadnt been alloed visitors, but Christoher as alloed to go the da before e lost her, hich meant so much to him. e also had the added orr of being oer of attorne for his dad, ho is 90 and lives in a remote village. Christoher as dealing ith his care and his nances. e as the te of erson ho ould never let anone don hen the needed him, so he took this role ver seriousl. Also, he anted to be there hen his other famil members needed him, such as his siblings, his 30earold goddaughter, and niece. utting others rst as something that Christoher alas did. ed send hours searching for that erfect resent for ou and man of his friends have soken about his incredible kindness, hether it be a listening ear or a thoughtful gift. e also loved our grehound, Marina, ho e adot ed in October 2020. This as our rst et, and the erfect addition to our little famil. COID also meant that he as unable to see his best friend of 20 ears, David ade.

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