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B M & T ••• September/October 2021 ••• 18 Visit Baltimore, the official destination sales and marketing organization for Baltimore, is pleased to announce a new Data Analytics Fellowship to offer emerging leaders from underrepresented communities and diverse ethnic backgrounds the opportunity to gain first- hand experience working in the destination marketing and travel econom- ics industries. This program is gen- erously underwritten by global travel data co-mpany Tourism Economics and will launch this fall. "There are very few Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals work- ing in the travel and tourism leader-ship space, but more specifically in the data, technolo- gy and business intelligence sec- tor with the destination mar- keting community," said Al Hutchinson, President & CEO at Visit Baltimore. "We're honored to partner with Tourism Economics to introduce this program and make real change in our industry." "This is the ultimate win-win opportunity. We see this as an investment into our community by fostering talent that will benefit our broader indus- try," stated Adam Sacks, President of Tourism Economics. "We really are grateful to be able to partner with Visit Baltimore on this important initiative." The 600-hour paid intern- ship will involve working with the operations departments at Visit B a l t i m o r e a n d T o u r i s m Economics. The program will pro- vide training and professional devel- opment opportunities through aca- demic seminars, in-depth research and analysis and a broad range of skill development. Applicants must be 18 or older and a resident of Baltimore City or the Baltimore Washington metropolitan area. The online application portal will open later this summer. The Data Analytics Fellowship is the organization's latest initiative meant to expand career pathways in tourism to more diverse can- didates. Thanks to a new sponsorship from Guinness Open Gate Brewery, Visit Baltimore was able to reinvigorate its Diversity Apprenticeship Program and recently selected Tymarra Sherrill and Anthony Richmond to serve as the newest apprentices. Tymarra Sherrill is a Baltimore native with strong local ties and an appreciation for her hometown. She began her career in hospital- ity at a Baltimore-based luxury hotel. In 2019, Sherrill graduated from the University of Baltimore with a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. Through the Diversity Apprenticeship Program, Sherrill looks forward to bridg- ing the gap between her studies and love for the hospitality and tourism industry. Anthony Richmond graduated from North Carolina A&T State University with his Bachelor of Science in Applied Engineering Technology in 2016. Richmond returned to his hometown of Baltimore following graduation and has spent the past several years working in the local hospitality community with beloved Charm City businesses. Through the Diversity Apprenticeship Program, Richmond especially looks forward to learning the operational side of Guinness' experimental brewing process. With these programs and many others, Visit Baltimore continues to demonstrate a commitment to broadening diversity in the tourism indus- try. In 2020, the organization offered Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trainings for Baltimore tourism and hospitality leaders and its staff. Visit Baltimore also offers a special Bop pass, which unlocks exclusive deals and discounts to museums and attractions that celebrate Baltimore's deep African American history and heritage. Additionally, the organiza- tion's Diversity & Inclusion subcommittee, which was created to repre- sent Baltimore's richly diverse neighborhoods and communities, was elevated to a board committee in Fall 2019. To learn more about how Visit Baltimore celebrates diversity, please visit - ing/celebrating-diversity. ABOUT VISIT BALTIMORE Visit Baltimore is the official sales and marketing arm for the City of Baltimore. The 501(c)(6) organization generates economic benefits for stakeholders through the attraction of convention, group and leisure visi- tors. In 2019, spending by travelers totaled $6 billion in direct spending throughout the city, supporting 86,827 total jobs and generating $750 mil- lion in state and city tax revenues. For more information, please visit Bltimore.ogr. VISIT BALTIMORE AND TOURISM ECONOMICS ANNOUNCE DATA ANALYTICS FELLOWSHIP Fellowship Follows Recent Hire of Two Diversity Apprentices