Location Managers Guild International

Fall 2021

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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44 • LMGI COMPASS | Fall 2021 dramatically shine down upon the casket. Trocadero Nightclub Mank attends an election night celebration after populist Upton Sinclair loses the governor's race and Louis B. Mayer gives a big speech at the Cicada Club in the heart of downtown LA. Completed in 1928, the art deco building is on the Historic Registry and originally housed the Alexander and Oviatt Men's Haberdashery which outfi tted the likes of Clark Gable and John Barrymore. Renowned Parisian designer René Lalique crafted some 30 tons of glass for the building's opulent lobby. THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 LM Dennis Voskov LM Nick Raff erty/LMGI – Chicago The whole world was watching as a peaceful anti-war protest staged during the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago exploded into a violent clash with police and the Illinois National Guard. Except for the reenactment of the demonstration in Chicago's Grant Park, locations in New Jersey were used to tell the story of the notorious federal court case of the "Chicago 7"—controversial and colorful activists charged with inciting the riot. What the locations say about story: Chicago's unmistakable architecture and the park's specifi c geography were vital to the recreation of actual events. Police blocked the exits, corralling the demonstrators and aff ording them nowhere to march—or a way to escape. Archival footage was seamlessly matched to broaden the scope of the scene and show the sequence of events that led to the violence. The fi lm's locations in New Jersey capture a contrast between the trial's defense and prosecution. Smaller lived-in spaces favored by the counterculture work as meeting places for the anti-war movements of the late-'60s; Imposing buildings like the courthouse and Judge Julius Hoff man's offi ce represent "the Establishment." What the location managers say: "We were able to fi nd places that gave the story a varied look of the intimate 1960s hangouts that contrasted with the larger scale scenes in Chicago and the courtroom scenes in New Jersey. There were no courtrooms in the area that would allow us to occupy a space for as long as we had to. Rather than build a courtroom from scratch on a stage, we found an old church that had interesting structural elements that lent themselves to playing an old courthouse." Locations to watch for: Grant Park Perhaps the most recognizable location from actual historical events, the fi lm combined archival news footage with scenes staged with actors to create a visceral and dramatic telling of the infamous confrontation. The statue of Gen. John Alexander Logan sits atop his mound-like tomb and anchors the sequence where the demonstrators try to take the hill. Over the course of four days and nights, in what became known as the "Battle of Michigan Avenue," over 600 protestors were arrested, and nearly 1,000 injured. Courtroom Newark's 1902 Beaux-Arts City Hall plays the courthouse exterior. The stunning interior lobby with its golden dome was also fi lmed. The courtroom was created within the unoccupied Community Baptist Church of Love in Paterson, New Jersey. Here, the trial plays out as a circus, with a hostile judge presiding over the antics of the defendants. Haymarket Tavern/Michigan Avenue The violence spills over to the Haymarket Tavern, where revelers inside are unaware of the commotion outside—until bystanders standing behind police barricades are pushed by police through the plate glass window. The grisly scene was fi lmed at Hoboken's Dino and Harry's Steakhouse, an IT ALREADY DOES THAT, APPLE WATCH SERIES 6 LM/Scout Matthew DeLoach/ LMGI LM/Scout Brent Gaff an – LA Scout Galidan Nauber/LMGI – LA LM/Scout Jof Hanwright/LMGI – Sonoma County Imagine there is a tiny device that can track your sleep, heart rate, the weather, phone calls and so much more... Well, the Apple Watch Series 6 already does that! This Apple Watch campaign focuses on what the Apple Watch can already do and how well it can do it. The Apple Watch is a watch for anyone and everyone who wants to be in the future, not just image it. What the locations say about story: The locations in this campaign place the viewer in the future that is already here, allowing the narration to flow between scenes quickly and without detailed explanation. The audience is immediately aware of the characters' situation and why they should own the Apple Watch. OUTSTANDING LOCATIONS IN A COMMERCIAL elegant 19th-century saloon with gorgeous stained glass. "Yippie" Bar Newark's venerable QXT's nightclub is the setting for Abbie Hoff man's impassioned monologue. Originally intended to be fi lmed as a montage, the industrial cellar-like location so inspired the director, he chose to fi lm the scene in its entirety, and canceled company moves for that day. Judge Hoff man's Offi ce Judge Julius Hoff man's offi ce was shot at the stately English Georgian-style mansion Hennessy Hall, a historic house now the administrative and academic offi ces of New Jersey's Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison. Scenes inside the U.S. Department of Justice were also fi lmed here. The Trial of the Chicago 7 THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 LM Dennis Voskov LM Nick Raff erty/LMGI – Chicago The whole world was watching as a peaceful anti-war protest

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