Summer 2021

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Page 44 of 75 | Summer 2021 | SAG-AFTRA 43 ROCCO CESELIN Technology departments, as well as the union's international affairs, including foreign royalties. Crabtree-Ireland formerly served as a criminal prosecutor for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office and has received numerous awards for his work and service throughout his career, including the SAG-AFTRA George Heller Memorial Award for extraordinary service to SAG-AFTRA and its members. He is the chair of the board of trustees of the SAG-AFTRA & Industry Sound Recordings Distribution Fund, the co-chair of the board of trustees of the AFM & SAG-AFTRA Intellectual Property Rights Distribution Fund, a member of the boards of the SAG-Producers Pension Plan, the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan, and SoundExchange, and is a delegate to the International Federation of Actors and serves as co-convenor of its Global Diversity Working Group and as convenor of its North America and English-Speaking groups. He has served as a longtime adjunct professor at the University of Southern California Law School. He is a past chair of the Conference of California Bar Associations, a past treasurer of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, a past co-president of the LGBTQ Bar Association of Los Angeles, and serves by appointment as a judge pro tem of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Previously, Crabtree-Ireland served as Screen Actors Guild's deputy national executive director. In an interview with SAG-AFTRA magazine, Crabtree-Ireland discussed his priorities for the next three years, his commitment to diversity, expanding the union's reach in Spanish-language media and much more. Q: Why did you accept the role of NED and what makes you a good fit for the position? A: It is a huge honor and responsibility to be the national executive director of SAG-AFTRA. I've been here as part of the staff of SAG-AFTRA — and SAG before it — for more than 20 years. The opportunity to continue my work on behalf of our members and to take it to the next level was irresistible. Helping further the interests of actors, performers, recording artists and broadcasters is

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