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82 SAG-AFTRA | Spring 2021 | Hank Aaron 1/22/21 Toshiya Agata 10/17/20 Lassie Lou Ahern 2/15/18 Dan Albright 12/4/20 Ken-Ali 2/4/21 Johnna Allen 2/1/21 Angelo Amaranto 12/27/20 Johnetta Anderson 1/20/21 Max L. Anderson 11/27/20 Percy Anderson 8/5/20 Richard Anson 3/27/21 Maria Elaina Antoniou 1/22/21 Scott Atkinson 2/26/21 Vincent T. Bagli 10/6/20 David Bailie 3/6/21 Clyde Baldo 12/23/20 Josette Banzet 12/4/20 Reuven Bar-Yotam 2/6/21 John Baray 2/15/21 Olga Barber 1/23/21 Robert Barron 9/9/19 William S. Bartlett 8/31/20 Harry Basch 6/23/20 David Bates 11/15/18 Elgin Baylor 3/22/21 Richard Beatty 1/9/21 Mark V. Bedard 3/2/20 Dolly Beechman 10/29/20 Marc Bentley 11/23/20 Bev Bergeron 12/3/20 Greer Bishop 2/13/21 Sarah E. Bixler 1/3/20 Dick Boccelli 7/12/19 Frank Bongiorno 4/13/20 Rosemarie Bowe 1/20/19 Ray Brady 1/12/21 Patricia Brandkamp 9/29/20 Asher Brauner 1/2/21 John Franklin Bristol 12/1/20 Patrick Britt 1/22/21 Catheryn J. Brockett 11/20/20 Denny Brooks 7/14/18 Keith Buckley 12/1/20 Patricia Kirby Burgoyne 12/16/20 Jessica M. Campbell 12/29/20 Johnny Canton 12/31/16 Cookie Carosella 1/14/21 Michael James Carroll 1/20/21 Lou Charloff 1/23/21 Ramon Chavez 1/25/21 Eugene Choy 12/28/20 Jean E. Ciccia-Ricker 11/17/20 Byron Clark 1/7/21 Robert P. Cohen 12/17/20 Larry K. Collis 12/25/20 Forrest Compton 4/4/20 June Conniff 3/16/20 Helen Connolly 11/24/20 Dorothy Constantine 6/9/20 Linda Overlin Cook 2/14/21 Candy Corday 12/24/20 Chick Corea 2/9/21 Charlotte Cornwell 1/16/21 James S. Cranna 5/4/17 Yanet Cuevas 12/22/20 STEVE FRIED, an actor, former 3rd vice president of Screen Actors Guild and past president of the Arizona Branch, passed away Jan. 20 at the age of 83. Fried was devoted to his union and worked in leadership in a variety of capacities. He was also a 20-year Army veteran who fought for his nation as an officer during two tours in Vietnam, earning a Bronze Star and other accolades. He joined the union in 1983, and from 1996–2012, he served on numerous national committees, including the Executive, Strategic Planning, Finance and Right-to-Work committees, as well as the Committee of Locals and numerous others. He served on the National Board for 18 years. He was known for his passionate belief that all members of the union should be well represented, regardless of the kinds of work they did or where they did it. * Please note: Due to publishing deadlines, notices that are received outside of these dates will be considered for future publication. RICHARD GILLIL AND HAL HOLBROOK CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER CLORIS LEACHM AN L ARRY KING K .T. OSLIN We honor the memory of members whose deaths were reported to SAG-AFTRA between Dec. 4, 2020, and March 31, 2021.