Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Awards

8th Annual MUAHS Awards 2021

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MAKE-UP ARTISTS & HAIR STYLISTS GUILD AWARDS | 41 TELE VISION SERIES, TELE VISION LIMITED OR MINI SERIES OR TELE VISION NE W MEDIA SERIES (STRE AMING) BEST PERIOD AND/OR CHARACTER MAKE-UP *TIE BRIDGERTON Marc Pilcher Lynda J. Pearce Claire Matthews Louise Bannell THE CROWN Cate Hall Emilie Yong-Mills HOLLYWOOD Eryn Krueger Mekash Kim Ayers Kerrin Jackson Ana Gabriela Quinonez THE MANDALORIAN Brian Sipe Alexei Dmitriew Samantha Ward Carlton Coleman PERRY MASON Christien Tinsley Corinne Foster Steve Costanza Gerry Quist THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT Daniel Parker

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