CAS Quarterly

Spring 2021

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C A S Q U A R T E R L Y I S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 25 When I would ask John Landis a question, he would always look around to others and say, "If you were any f****** good, you could do it." There's some truth to it. I think, "Get better. Do it. Figure it out." I like those kinds of challenges. My crew and I like to go in early, talk with wardrobe, see every piece of clothing for the main characters, and discuss how we might get a radio mic in it. Because today, we put a mic on everyone now, first thing, whether we're going to use it or not. Some actors refuse to wear a radio mic. When I meet an actor, I tell them, "Be aware, you're on a radio mic and I will do my absolute best to put you down when you're not performing." A lot of actors will unplug themselves right on cut and I completely respect that. They don't always re-plug themselves in, and once in a while I'll have to ask for a cut. When asked why I say, "We just have a problem." I never throw anyone under the bus. Do you ever get emotional or overwhelmed on set? I do remember crying openly during Forrest Gump. When Forrest went to Jenny 's grave to give her young Forrest's letter, we all cried. Mr. Hanks did every take differently, with a completely different spirit and mental ability. Every take ripped at your heart. Even our seasoned crew, who had seen it all, couldn't stop crying, each and every take. On Crimson Tide, the mix was so difficult. I went to the men's room into a stall, got on my knees and questioned if I was good enough to do this. That was a moment! On Irreconcilable Differences, 9-year-old Drew Barrymore [was about to film a gut-wrenching scene in court]. She was sucking her thumb for real in the witness box. On "action," she pulled out her thumb and gave a two-page, nonstop monologue, supporting her legal complaint [about divorcing her parents]. It was without a glitch—gut wrenching and amazingly passionate. We were all in awe. When we heard "cut," her thumb went right back in her mouth. That wasn't in the script. That was a very little girl who amazed us as an actress. What films are you most proud of working on? Forrest Gump, all of the Back to the Future films, The Polar Express, Cast Away, What Lies Beneath, Enemy of the State, Contact, Crimson Tide, Rock of Ages, House of Sand and Fog, True Romance, Death Becomes Her, Flight, Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, Unstoppable, The Three Amigos, Top Gun, National Treasure, Coming to America, Romancing the Stone, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The Blues Brothers, and Animal House. They 're at the top of the list. That's an incredible "Top of the list!" What are you working on now? I'm working on my first TV production—The Morning Show for Apple TV. What random trivia might people be surprised to learn about you? I'm an avid wakeboarder and snowboarder. I practice yoga. I remodeled my home. I trap shoot. I'm pretty good on a backhoe and dozer. I can weld. I built three super modern sound trailers for rental to other mixers. And I try to speak 30 minutes of Spanish every day. What are you most proud of? Above all, I'm a dedicated and involved father to my adult children. My daughter will be a veterinary doctor in just a few months and my son installs broadcast TV studios around the world. I'm beyond proud of them. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? I hope to stay teachable, kind, and healthy. I feel that I'm better today than I've ever been. Experience pays off. I'm starting to think what retirement might be like… Then I ask myself, "Why are you thinking of that?" I only see myself here and now. Right here, right now. Any closing comments? I want to thank the CAS at large and the individuals who have to make these difficult choices. To simply be among a group of talented and successful people for almost five decades—and now that I'm chosen for this award—it's very, very humbling. Clockwise from above left: Kaplan with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; on a particularly difcult shoot for Crimson Tide with Denzel Washington; still going strong on the set of his rst TV show, The Morning Show, with Jennifer Aniston.

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