CAS Quarterly

Spring 2021

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C A S Q U A R T E R L Y I S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 3 I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E Cover: Career Achievement Award recipient William B. Kaplan CAS The President's Letter | 4 From the Editor | 6 Collaborators | 8 Learn about the authors of your stories Announcements | 10 In Remembrance | 58 Been There Done That |59 CAS members check in The Lighter Side | 61 See what your colleagues are up to S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 DEPARTMENTS A Brief History of Noise Reduction | 15 RF in the Twenty-First Century |18 Filmmaker Award: George Clooney | 26 The 57th Annual CAS Awards Nominees for Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for 2020 | 28 Outstanding Product Award Nominees| 32 Return to the Golden Age of Booming | 34 FEATURES 26 34 Remote Mixing in the Time of COVID: User Experiences | 38 When mix teams and clients are apart Overcoming Atmos Anxiety | 42 Insight to get you on your way Playing Well with Other Production Departments | 48 The collaborative art of entertainment Sound Ergonomics for a Long Career| 52 Staying physically sound on the job 38 52 CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENT WILLIAM B. KAPLAN CAS | 20

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