
Q4 2020

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42 C I N E M O N T A G E M P E G | T H E D I V E R S I T Y S U R V E Y Editors appear to have a more consistent level of repre- sentation with slight drop-offs between ages 30 to 59. The majority of 1st Assistant Editors surveyed are with- in the 35-39 age range with fairly even representation between ages 40-54 before declining. GUILD CLASSIFICATION AND MEDIUM / GENRE More than 76% of the survey participants work within five major Guild classifications: Picture Editor, Assistant Editor, Sound Editor, 1st Assistant Editor and Re-Record- ing Mixer. Almost 80% of total members surveyed worked on projects within three primary media: Narrative / Scripted Series, Features, and Reality / Unscripted / Docuseries. According to the survey, "Narrative/Scripted Series" editors represent the majority of picture editors with- in the Guild. [Fig. 7] And although only 13.09% of total survey participants stated that they work in the "Real- ity / Unscripted / Docuseries" genre, they make up the second largest group of picture editors at 24.56%. [Fig. 8] Meanwhile, those who work in Features make up the third largest group of picture editors at 21.28%. The vast majority of all Assistant Editors surveyed primarily work on Narrative / Scripted Series projects, at 51.02%. 86.84% of Sound Editors who responded work within ei- ther Features or Narrative / Scripted Series. 63.08% of those who identified as 1st Assistant Editors worked primarily on Features. THE FUTURE Diversity Committee Co-chairs Lillian Benson and Maysie Hoy asserted in a joint statement: "The next step for the Editors Guild is to utilize the data the sur- vey provided to support important conversations and create initiatives which can lead to concrete actions that impact justice, equality, diversity and inclusion for our membership." "I am so proud to be part of this union's leader- ship team, one that not only acknowledged we need to play a key role in the long overdue changes that need to take place, but one that also fully embraced with conviction the work we need to do to accomplish this," Repola said. ■ Tricia Rodrigo is a Picture Editor, who actively participates in the Editors Guild as a member of the Pan Pacific Asian Steering Committee and the Women's Steering Committee. View the extended version of the article for content regarding the Diversity Survey's findings regarding Pay Rates by visiting 1 3 . 0 9 % R E A L I T Y/ U N S C R I P T E D / D O C U S E R I E S 6 . 3 6 % A N I M A T I O N 4.19% FACILITY-BASED (ANY MEDIUM) 2 . 7 1 % D O C U M E N T A R Y 2 . 4 8 % T R A I L E R S / P R O M O S 2.48% DAYTIME/GAME/SOAPS/TALK SHOW 1 . 2 6 % O T H E R . 0 3 % D E C L I N E T O A N S W E R F I G U R E 3 0 . 4 7 % F E A T U R E S 07 R E P R E S E N T A T I O N B Y M E D I U M 3 6 . 3 6 % N A R R A T I V E / S C R I P T E D S E R I E S . 5 9 % M U L T I P L E 2020 S U R V E Y 3 9 . 8 2 % N A R R A T I V E S C R I P T E D S E R I E S 2 4 . 5 6 % R E A L I T Y / U N S C R I P T E D / D O C U S E R I E S 2 1 . 2 8 % F E A T U R E S 4 . 4 2 % D O C U M E N T A R Y 3 . 5 1 % A N I M A T I O N 3.51% DAYTIME/GAME/SOAPS/TALK SHOW 1.22% FACILITY-BASED ( A N Y MEDIUM) 0 . 9 2 % T R A I L E R S / P R O M O S . 5 3 % O T H E R . 3 1 % M U L T I P L E F I G U R E 08 P I C T U R E E D I T O R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N B Y M E D I U M 2020 S U R V E Y

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