
Q4 2020

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36 C I N E M O N T A G E M P E G | T H E D I V E R S I T Y S U R V E Y By Tricia Rodrigo A n overwhelming majority of Editors Guild mem- bers believe that discrimination occurs in the edit bays, dub stages and other places where they work, and most do not feel safe reporting dis- criminatory behavior to higher-ups, according to a new survey commissioned by the Guild's Board of Directors. Meanwhile, the survey found that despite the publicity surrounding industrywide diversity efforts, gender and ethnic rep- resentation within the Guild itself has remained basically unchanged compared to four years ago. Last summer's 2020 Editors Guild Demographics and Workplace Survey drew record participation from the membership, allowing the union to examine gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and even pay within the union (complete details will be online at Guild staff and member-volunteers reached out to members via ThruText, a person-to-person communication application. Collective- ly, they texted 7,859 members over the span of a week and a half. The effort drew a record-breaking response from 3,583 members, or more than 47% of the total membership. DEMOGRAPHICS AND WORKPLACE SURVEY — AN INSIDE LOOK

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