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14 C I N E M O N T A G E C O M M I T T E E N E W S By Su Fang Tham D u r i n g t h e l a s t t w o w e e k s o f S e p t e m b e r, t h e L a t i n S t e e r - ing Committee celebrated Latin Heritage Month for the first time, with a three-panel series headlined by a bril- liant roster of filmmakers. A l t h o u g h t h e U. S. h a s 6 0 m i l l i o n Latinx residents, comprising 18% of the population, only 4% of the directors, 3% of producers and 3% of leads/co-leads are Latinx (according to a study by the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative). More- over, Latinx moviegoers make up 23% of the U.S. audience—a robust consumer spending block. So when LSC co-chairs Susana "Susy" Benaim, a Venezuelan TV editor ("Self Made: Inspired by the life of Madam CJ Walker") and respected supervising sound editor Glenn T. Morgan, MPSE ("Real Women Have Curves") began organizing the event, the challenge in coming up with enough Latinx editors to fill the panels further underscored t h e p r o f o u n d n e e d t o e d u c a t e a n d engage – not only MPEG members, but also the public—about the work that still lies ahead. "¡¿Qué pasa, mi gente?!," a jovial Agustin "Auggie" Rexach—the assistant editor on FOX's freshman soapy saga "Filthy Rich"—opened the virtual event as more than 50 MPEG and ACE members tuned in for the first panel, "Hiding in Plain Sight: Visibility of Latinx in Post." "Before we reach a comfortable cruising altitude, I would like to go over some safety guidelines," Rexach joked. M o d e r a t o r a n d L S C c o m m i t t e e member Waldemar Centeno ("Big Time Adolescence") was honored to share the Latinx experience in post-production "through the eyes and hearts of our cele- brated Latinx guests." RAISING AWARENESS The already low representation of Latinx talent across the industry—and e v e n l o w e r v i s i b i l i t y o f t h o s e w h o have succeeded— contributes to the low awareness. Even today, many do LATIN PANELS CELEBRATE A RICH LEGACY, FROM 'SELENA' TO 'VIDA' Agustin Rexach (left), Andrea Espinoza, Susana Benaim, Sabrina Gimenez, Glenn T. Morgan, MPSE, and Waldemar Centeno were behind the "Hiding in Plain Sight" panel for Latin Heritage Month 2020. P H O T O : J A S O N R Y A N A Visible Goal