The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2013

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NOSEABLES Powerful Changes JOHN POWERS IRISH WHISKEY GETS A REVAMP by David Ransom PHOTO: DAVID RANSOM J ohn Powers Gold Label, one of Ireland's iconic brands, has started taking the steps it feels are necessary to regain its former stature as that country's leading whiskey. Founded in 1791, John Powers was at one time Ireland's largestselling bottled whiskey. But as other brands increased market share, Powers, in part due to an undersized infrastructure, found itself struggling to keep up with demand. Under the ownership of Pernod Ricard since 1989, and with a commitment at its Midleton distillery over the last few decades to build substantial reserves, John Powers has finally reached a point where it is ready to reclaim its throne. To that end, Powers has returned Powers Gold Label ($30, due this fall with newly John Clement Ryan, great-great-grandnephew of the founder, with a bottle of the revamped packaging) to its original bottling new Powers Special Reserve. strength of 86.4 proof (43.2%ABV), and is releasing two new limited bottlings, Powers Signature Reserve ($45) and Powers John's Lane ($70)—a move it hopes will attract new fans as whiskey aficionados look for new and unique characteristics in the spirits they purchase. Says John Clement Ryan, great-great-grandnephew of the founder, "Irish whiskey's approachability and flavor profile make it an ideal category to explore, we feel the time is right for John Powers to make a statement." Top-shelf Powers John's Lane is named for the location of the original distillery in Dublin. TP0613_042-79.indd 71 5/23/13 4:33 PM

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