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November/December 2020

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Page 24 of 35 23 POST NOV/DEC 2020 AUDIO OUTLOOK O AUDIO BY CHRIS SPAHR VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES & MARKETING DPA MICROPHONES LONGMONT, CO WWW.DPAMICROPHONES. COM A t DPA Microphones, we have been fortunate in that we were able to use the current (difficult) state of the world to focus on product develop- ment and innovation. With resources re-focused onto that side of the busi- ness, the R&D team has been zeroing in on projects that have long-been dis- cussed internally. What does that mean for the production world? Well, for starters, some exciting and innovative solutions that will bring their projects into the future (beyond just 2021). At the height of the pandemic, we saw that the world would be set on a new path — not only on a social scale, but in the way all business is conducted. For the production industry, that meant new ways of capturing content in a socially-distanced capacity. This change sent the creativity and ingenuity of our product development team off on a whole new path. In the early days, they worked tire- lessly to launch our 4097 Core Micro Shotgun, which allows small production teams to quickly mount a mic solution that can pick up speech from a distance. We also saw a resurgence in popularity for our MMA-A digital audio interface, which enables individuals to record high-quality audio directly into their computer or Apple device, for projects such as ADR. These products not only helped keep creativity flowing in the production world, but also show great promise for usefulness as we head into the New Year. We're also looking at new ways to help our current customer base and future audio professionals alike further develop their skills, both through new products and educational resources. For instance, we initiated a steady stream of online learning tools, such as educa- tional webinars with top industry talent and product trainings from DPA support specialists, as well as additional content for our DPA Mic University. Additionally, our film contest helped to shine a spot- light on a wide range of young talent, and we're eager to work with them in the New Year. As we look ahead to 2021, we're excited not only to unveil our latest offerings, but also for what our custom- ers and students will bring to the industry. Though much remains to be seen about the state of the world in the coming year, we're certain that the production industry at large will continue to progress. We look forward to the creative new projects that are sure to stem from these challenging times, and we certainly hope to be able to see everyone again very soon. A RE-FOCUSING OF RESOURCES & RESURGENCE IN PRODUCT POPULARITY F or music producers, the story of 2021 will be the continued ascendance of sonic branding. Once synonymous with the audio logos of Fortune 500 companies, like McDonald's, Apple and IBM, sonic branding has become essential to the identity of companies large and small. And it's no longer just about a three-note tag that appears at the end of a commercial. Signature sound is integral to every aspect of a brand's identity and essen- tial to its ability to connect with cus- tomers, whether consumers or other businesses. Our experience at Stephen Arnold Music shows just how wide- spread the phenomenon has become. We have created sonic identities for broadcasters, government agencies, a pharmaceutical giant, a niche financial services firm, a game developer and a national sports event, among others. Technology is helping to drive the trend. Customized, instantly-identifiable sounds are woven into home enter- tainment systems, cars, appliances, websites, phone apps and a myriad of other devices and experiences. Sounds are engaging and memorable. They capture attention and stimulate emo- tion. The cleverly crafted "ear emojis" you hear when you use an ATM guide you through the process while instilling confidence in the bank. As companies look for more meaning- ful ways to tell their stories, sonic branding may be their most powerful and effective tool. SONIC BRANDING WILL CONTINUE TO TREND BY CHAD COOK VP/CREATIVE DIRECTOR STEPHEN ARNOLD MUSIC MCKINNEY, TX HTTPS://STEPHENARNOLD MUSIC.COM OUTLOOK 2021 VISIT THE POST WEBSITE FOR MORE INDUSTRY INSIGHT, INCLUDING PREDICTIONS FROM PROS AT AJA, ALCHEMY POST, ANOTHER COUNTRY, ATABOY, AWS, CUT+RUN, DELL BLUE, DELUXE, FOUNDRY, IMMERSIVE DESIGN STUDIOS, IPI SOFT, MIDNIGHT SHERPA, PNYA, SOURCE ELEMENTS, SYN AND MANY MORE!

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