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GREAT THINGS HAPPEN EVERY DAY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Senator Bernadine Craft Senator Craft Talks About Her First Term as a Wyoming Big Education Stories from Senator, Education in the 62nd Legislature Wyoming, and Why Being a WEA Member is So Important A triumph for Senator Craft during this Senator Craft "really loved" her first Senate term and said she found it to be a very cooperative group. "People really try to work toward compromise," she said. past session was the passage of the bill that creates the Wyoming Adjunct Professor Loan Repayment Program. This program helps public school teachers who meet certain qualifications to obtain the necessary qualifications to teach concurrent enrollment classes. The issue was that many high school instructors around Wyoming aren't certified to teach at the college level, perhaps because they are missing a few necessary content classes– this bill provides teachers the financial help they need to get those last few classes in order to be so qualified. Sen. Craft said, "This type of legislation came from the 'trenches,' so to speak. It came from teachers saying, 'Maybe if we had a little help, we could teach more college classes.'" Craft remembers this As one of the few Democrats in the Senate, and one of only two females, Senator Craft said she always felt welcome. "I am listened to. I am respected," she said. "The Senate is extremely respectful of differing opinions - a real example of respect." Senator Craft also enjoyed her time in the House and does miss a lot of colleagues on the "other side," but talked about the experience of the Senate and the fact that there is a great deal of institutional memory and experience there. The House does have experienced members, but has more turnover in elections than the Senate side; there were only two new members in the Senate this past session, as opposed to 17 new House members. Highlighting differences between the two bodies, a Legislative Service Office staffer put it well: "The House is rock n' roll, and the Senate is classical music," Craft quoted. Senator Craft looks on as Governor Mead signs the Before becoming a Wyoming Adjunct Instructor Incentive Bill. Senator representing the 12th District, Bernadine Craft served bill being tough to pass because it had an in the Wyoming House for three terms, appropriation attached, but this means a representing the 17th District. Craft was sworn in as a State Senator on January 7, lot to the individuals who teach now and want to obtain that college certification to 2013, and was subsequently selected to teach at an advanced level. be Senate Minority Whip. She serves on numerous Senate committees; you can Senator Craft knows Wyoming has some view a complete list of her assignments of the best education funding best in at: nation, and that our graduation rates and academic performance are above In addition to her job in the Wyoming average. "We're proud that we fund, Senate, Craft serves as Executive Director but we need accountability of where of the Sweetwater Board of Cooperative money is going, and I'm not just saying Educational Services in Rock Springs, assessment," Senator Craft said. "We Wyoming. need to start listening to people in the 10 SUMMER 2013 Summer 2013.indd 10 classroom – people on the frontlines – or we're going to have problems," she said. "It's critical – it can't come from the top down. It's got to come from the teachers, and this doesn't happen overnight," she said. Why the WEA is the Professional Choice Senator Craft joined the Wyoming Education Association "a long time ago" as a junior high school counselor. "When I was asked to join, I never hesitated, because it is the professional association to belong to. It's part of my identity," she said. "We clearly define ourselves as professionals, and the WEA benefits everyone in education. It's your responsibility to be a member and contribute. It's who I am. It defines me. It's my professional duty," Craft said. Lobbying by the WEA and its members is best done before the legislative sessions – not in Cheyenne. "What I find helpful, what I appreciate, and what I love is when somebody calls me and says, 'Let's chat about things,' because then, you have that person's time and attention," Craft said. WEA members really do great research and approach legislators well before the session, when there is time to think and have dialogue. "Actual sitting down with folks is the very best," Craft said. Senator Craft said that she sees very important education decisions being made by some who, although very wellintentioned, might not have a clear grasp of what it's like to be an educator in Wyoming. It's important that legislators understand that changes aren't going to happen overnight. Outside of the legislative session is when people can really be involved in what happens with their legislators. "If you're not part of the process to effect the kind of changes you want to see, then work to get you what you like or end up liking what you get," Craft said. The issues that the WEA lobbies are always to benefit members and/or students. "Active member or not, you live with the political consequences. Have a voice in that!" | WEAnews 5/17/13 11:44 AM