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81st Delegate Assembly Wrap-Up WEA delegates from around the state traveled to Casper for our annual WEA Delegate Assembly (D.A.) the first week in April. to the Standing Rules, Guidelines and Definitions, and Bylaws. They also approved that the changes to the Constitution be brought to the WEA membership for a vote next fall. Change was a dominant theme at Another change that was approved is this year's D.A., as the Structure and to pilot electronic voting, which we Organization Committee brought will be piloting with the all-member forth suggested changes to the vote on the Constitution next fall. Standing Rules, Guidelines and You can see the suggested changes to Definitions, Constitution, and Bylaws. the Constitution on pages 7-9. The delegates approved the changes The highlight of Delegate Assembly was the visit and speech by NEA President Dennis Van Roekel. He spoke on the last day and really energized the delegation. He talked about the teaching profession being a very special talent that requires a set of very special skills – not everyone possesses those skills, he said. President Van Roekel challenged the Wyoming Delegation with two questions: "Why did you choose to work in education?" and "Why are you still here?" Van Roekel told the attendees, "You have to keep those answers deep in your soul, and don't let anyone take that away from 6 SUMMER 2013 Summer 2013.indd 6 you. Be insulted inside when people assume that we aren't professionals!" He left the delegation with three "audacious" challenges: 1.Continue to have the audacity to dream big. 2.Have the courage to raise your hand individually or collectively as an association, and say "It's my responsibility to make this world different." 3.Have the power to make our vision a reality. | WEAnews 5/17/13 11:44 AM