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y of hat y oney esearch from cy ng, ership vice rch a acity of ds. Noelle Clark To Tour d the er. Brazilian Schools e event cluding Care s s, and We -thant food EA Center ma Cooley resident The NEA Foundation has named Noelle Clark, a third grade teacher at Evansville Elementary School in Natrona County, as a 2013 Pearson Foundation Global Learning Fellow. With this honor, Clark joins a unique class of 36 award-winning public school educators who will build their global competency skills, or the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance. "We are incredibly proud of our members, and Noelle is a great example of how Wyoming teachers advance student learning and accountability by taking part in great opportunities offered by WEA and NEA membership," said WEA President Kathy Vetter. "In order for students to be prepared for the global age, their educators must be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to teach in the global age," said Harriet Sanford, President and CEO of the NEA Foundation. "Our Global Learning Fellows program has an intentional focus on supporting educators as they strengthen their global competencies: investigating the world beyond one's immediate environment; recognizing multiple perspectives; communicating ideas effectively with diverse audiences; and taking action to improve conditions." The fellowship expands on the NEA Foundation's mission to advance student achievement by investing in public education that will prepare all students to learn and thrive in a rapidly changing world. It is designed to help educators acquire the necessary skills to integrate global competence into their daily classroom instruction, and prepare students to thrive in the interconnected global age, and thus contribute to the closing of the global achievement gap. The Fellowship builds a structured and collaborative learning experience that supports educators as they acquire global competence skills. Over the course of one year, Fellows are supported by the NEA Foundation staff, partners, and other field experts, as they work through the following: 1. Readings and webinars to introduce global competence and country-specific concepts; 2. Online coursework on global competence, countryspecific concepts, and interactive language learning; 3. A two-day professional development workshop with sessions led by leaders in global competency and country-specific knowledge; and 4. A study-tour designed to focus on the themes of global competence, education (both practice and issues of international, national, and state policy) and economics. Names and photos of the 2013 NEA Foundation Pearson Foundation Global Learning Fellows are posted on the NEA Foundation's website at: pages/nea-pearson-foundationglobal-learning-fellowship. The tour is sponsored by the Pearson Foundation and the NEA Foundation and is designed by Education First. The NEA Foundation is a public charity supported by contributions from educators' dues, corporate sponsors, and others who support public education initiatives. We support student success by helping public school educators work with key partners to build strong systems of shared responsibility. Visit for more information. SUMMER 2013 Summer 2013.indd 21 | 21 5/17/13 11:45 AM