Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2013

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Cheyenne Teacher Attends bers Help Each Other oss Local Lines y Scholastic Book Advisor Conference Lisa Esquibel, WEA member and Cheyenne Davis Elementary School teacher, was chosen to be one of 23 teachers making up the 2013 Scholastic Book Clubs Teacher Advisory Board.  As a member of this board, she will have a chance to work with teachers from across the country to help influence every aspect of Scholastic Book Clubs, from product selection, to pricing, to monthly promotions, to special offers.  Through March 2014, she will be our eyes and ears in the classroom to help us stay abreast of the latest trends in education.    Scholastic Book Clubs are used in almost every school in the United States.  Lisa Esquibel's involvement as a Teacher Advisor is benefiting students by allowing her to share the expertise she has gained as a kindergarten teacher to improve the Scholastic experience for families, students and educators in the coming school year.  WEA nne ker in S onals as ons r ma o be she on students, but it doesn't have many books that are 'just right' books for emergent readers just starting to read on their own."  Esquibel said her group talked a lot about this, and Scholastic was very open and interested in adding such titles to its future catalogs to better reach the kindergarten audience.  Each teacher was asked to bring his/ her quintessential read-aloud, so Esquibel brought Have You Filled a Bucket, by Carol McCloud. This is a book she shares with her students as a way to build community in her classroom.  Although this book is currently not offered through Scholastic Book Clubs, within two weeks of returning from the conference in April, the Scholastic employees had sent the advisors two e-mails regarding this title.  "Based on their questions to us, it sounds like it will be a title they will begin offering this fall.  It was so exciting to see my book suggestion as a book they Scholastic Book Clubs Teacher Advisory Board Meeting quickly realized they needed April 5-6, 2013 to add to their catalog," New York City Esquibel said.  meet the Common Core Standards.  Teachers care deeply about what is being read in the classroom and "As a teacher of young children just at home.  Serving in this capacity learning read, I am often asked which this year will allow Lisa to share books in the book club magazine her experiences as a kindergarten are appropriate for a student's current teacher so Scholastic can continue reading level," Esquibel said.  "At to grow as a company by meeting this time, Scholastic provides a lot the needs of both our young readers of great books that are great for and their educators.     parents to read to their kindergarten The previous group of advisors did a lot of work around the Common Core State Standards.  Lisa's current group provided feedback on the books which have been added this year to help parents and teachers nty EA Helps Sandy Hook ation Association (GCEA) was so moved ook Elementary School last December that own community fundraiser.  A flier to solicit with students throughout Goshen county.  xes in the community, as well as a special ontributions.  The local high school student ves. The entire community got behind the d radio public service announcements and s.  GCEA partnered with the Connecticut ho established a foundation that will ensure rs will benefit siblings of the children killed f the shooting rampage that claimed 27 lives.  fundraiser running for about a month, GCEA ings happening Haines – chaines@nea.org Summer 2013.indd 19 FPO in your schools! SUMMER 2013 | wyoea.org 19 5/17/13 11:45 AM

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