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Cheyenne Educator Honored with WEA Green Apple Award Bertha Bikulcs, first-grade teacher at Alta Vista Elementary School, received the Wyoming Education Association's Green Apple Award at the WEA Delegate Assembly. Bikulcs, a 40-year teaching veteran, has raised awareness of environmental issues throughout Laramie County School District #1 in Cheyenne during the span of her career. "Any teacher knows the value of being environmentally conscious, and the WEA is happy to award Bertha with this honor," said WEA President Kathy Vetter. "Not only is Bertha an environmental steward in regard to recycling, reducing, and reusing, she also ensures that families in our school have proper clothing. She has spent enormous amounts of time with families in crisis," said fellow teacher Brandie Barkee-Gay. The WEA Green Apple Award is for recognition of members who contribute to environmental awareness. This award helps to strengthen the bond between education and the environment by bringing the efforts of teachers to the attention of the public and other educators. Christina Mayle accepted the award on Bertha Bikulcs's behalf. Bertha Bikulcs was nominated by fellow colleagues Brandie BarkeeGay and Christina Mayle. This award is open to any WEA/NEA member in the state of Wyoming. Friends of Education Awards Jim and Holly Fisher, Bill and Rose Garcia, and Bette Goehringer, all of Cheyenne received the Friend of Education Award. The purpose of the Friend of Education Award is to recognize a person or persons who have demonstrated evidence of exceptional service to teachers, schools, and children. All of these recipients have shown great dedication to their local schools in and outside the classrooms. Bill and Rose Garcia Jim & Holly Fisher Bette Goehringer 16 SUMMER 2013 Summer 2013.indd 16 | WEAnews 5/17/13 11:45 AM Ch Ch Ca Lie Do Mi Pa Les Jam