B M & T ••• November/December 2020 ••• www.blackmeetingsandtourism.com
easy to list the many things that make
the Northeast such an interesting trav-
el destination. You've got the daz-
zling fall foliage, and picturesque coastal play-
grounds; winter resorts; a wealth of acclaimed cul-
tural attractions; plus the region's central role in
America's Colonial, Revolutionary War and
Underground Railroad history.
The destinations profiled here are located in
or near some of the largest U.S. population
centers — making them very accessible
to meeting attendees — and many
of the larger cities offer light
rail, free downtown shuttles
and other public transit
options that make
them easy to navi-
gate once you
Here's a gli-
mpse of what's
waiting to be
d i s c o v e r e d
when you do.