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B M & T ••• November/December 2020 ••• 18 SHERRI T. BROWN presen- tly serves as Vice-President of Multicultural Sales & Develop- ment with Visit Tampa Bay in Tampa, Florida for the past 12 years. Sherri has been in the Hospitality Industry for 36 years. She entered the work force after graduating from high school working as a Telephone Operator with Omni Hotels Union Station St. Louis, MO. During this time, Sherri decided to pursue a life-long career in the hospitality indus- try. Meanwhile, her next career move was with the St. Louis A P E X AWA R D S A V I RT UA L E X P E R I E N C E The COVID-19 pandemic may have put meetings and conferences on temporary hold, but that by no means negates the need to acknowledge the work and accomplishments of industry leaders who have positively impacted travel and tourism. So the 2020 Apex Awards for Distinguished Service, sponsored annually by Black Meetings & Tourism Media, were nonetheless presented to seven outstanding recipients. Normally given in July during an evening gala as part of the International Multicultural & Heritage Tourism Summit & Trade Show, this year both the conference and the Apex Awards ceremony were moved to September 18-20, when they were presented virtually. Kudos go to Andy Ingraham and his team (which includes his daugh- ter PJ Douglas Sands) for producing a spectacular conference and awards show! And thanks also go to our illustrious awardees, whose exemplary work demanded our recognition and made the event possible.