need. want. desire.
Whether you need streamlined video production, want expanded content delivery options, or desire the
ultimate production and visual effects environment, there's a Vegas™ Pro configuration for you. Each member
of the Vegas Pro family of professional video editing and production software is built around new Vegas Pro 12,
and covers the gamut of video editing requirements.
Vegas Pro EDIT: Just editing – powerful and comprehensive; Vegas Pro 12
Vegas Pro: The industry standard – Vegas Pro 12 and DVD Architect™ 6
Vegas Pro SUITE: All of the above, plus visual effects production with HitFilm 2 Ultimate; audio mastering
with Sound Forge™ Pro 10; Production Assistant 2; 100 royalty-free soundtracks, and more!
Learn all about the exciting new features and enhancements, determine which Vegas Pro is for you, and download the free trial at:
Scan to see a full list of Vegas Pro features.
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