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editor's note Be better at being green T he production and post industries have slowly and steadily been adopting green practices while doing their business. Changes can be seen on sets, in studios and in company parking lots, where charging stations and bike racks are starting to appear. By RANDI ALTMAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF P O S T This is the fourth year I have spoken to industry folks who are making real efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, and once again I am inspired. Isadora Chesler of LA-based ad agency RPA was one of those I interviewed this issue (page 18). She says she always has a Flip and Tumble ( bag in her purse, which folds up and fits into the ball of your hand. "I can't imagine how many bags I've saved by having it handy," she says. "The nondisposable grocery bags are great if you are in your car, but if you are on foot these are perfect since most women have a handbag," she explains. "To me it's a sign of success if I've walked away from a shopping trip with no hard paper bags with a company name printed on it." She uses mesh bags (pictured, left), also from Flip and Tumble, for produce instead of getting plastic bags for every fruit or vegetable. "They are made specifically for produce and are meant to go into your refrigerator." They are machine washable. Years ago, Chesler teamed up with executive producer at BKM | Music + Sound MiShawn Williams in, an initiative to get single-use plastic water bottles off sets and out of post houses. It was so successful they were able to disband. Williams (pictured) offers her "favorite" green tip: "It's one that always sticks with me, and I'm always conscious of — rarely do we ever need our water running at full stream from our faucets. One of the best and simplest ways to conserve water is to imagine the size of a pencil. Keep your flow of water at that size. You'll find it's really all you need." Film studios and television studios are also more environmentally conscious. Aaron Rogers, director, advertising & publicity, at NBC Universal, says, "Within Studio Operations, we've developed a subsidiary line of Mac Tech LED lighting products that consume 30-70 percent less power than typical production lighting. We are converting to solar/electric golf carts and working with productions to be more green. There is an overall company effort to improve the way we operate our day-to-day business that is better for the environment." They're being green. Are you? Tech and creativity collide in NYC By MARC LOFTUS SENIOR EDITOR 2 ext month, The Collider Digital Production Conference (www.colliderevents. com) will debut in New York City, giving attendees a chance to check out VFX-, animation- and digital production-themed presentations, panels, master classes and screenings, as well as a job fair. Collider's organizer Stephen Price believes it's time the East Coast, and New York in particular, had a productionthemed event that balanced both technology and creativity. "All the production events in the world are very far away from New York," notes Price. "There's NAB, there's SIGGRAPH, which for the next four years is going to be on the West Coast. It's a West Coast event. That's what people here think of it as… and here in New York, the biggest media market in the world, we have nothing? From a business point of view, it seems like a big opportunity to establish a production-oriented show. There's a very vibrant community here, but it's very silo'd. The interactive people don't often talk to the Post • May 2013 Post0513_002-editRAV3finalread.indd 2 RANDI ALTMAN Editor-in-Chief (516) 797-0884 MARC LOFTUS Senior Editor/Director of Web Content (516) 376-1087 CHRISTINE BUNISH Film& Video JENNIFER WALDEN Audio BOB PANK European Correspondent DANIEL RESTUCCIO West Coast Bureau BARRY GOCH West Coast Blogger/Reporter IAIN BLAIR Film MICHAEL VIGGIANO Art Director A DV E RT I S I N G MARI KOHN Director of Sales (818) 291-1153 cell: (818) 472-1491 GARY RHODES Eastern & Intl Sales Manager (631) 274-9530 cell (516)410-8638 LISA BLACK Corporate Sales Executive, Events, Custom and Integrated Print/Publishing Services (818) 660-5828 SUBSCRIPTIONS (818) 291-1158 S C R I P T N EDITORIAL advertising people, don't talk to the feature film people, the gaming people, all these groups. So one of the things we are hoping to do is bring those closer together and get them talking. That's part of Collider's 'collision' concept." The event will take place June 9-11 at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Collider will feature over 40 expert speakers, and Price says the conference hopes to attract as many as 1,000 creative professionals. June 9th will center on master classes, while the 10th and 11th will focus on a conference and job fair. At 6pm on the 10th, Collider will host a VFX town hall that will be streamed live to anyone who wants to watch. The Webcast will address hot topic issues and questions, such as the need for unions, and will offer online polling, providing realtime feedback. "We want to bring together the employers, the brands and the media of the city," states Price. Post readers can save 10 percent off registration by entering the promo code: COLLPOSTMAG. 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