Production Sound & Video

Summer 2020

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Summer 2020 – LOCAL695.ORG 17 "I think we're going to see a lot more implementation of wireless PL systems," Peter Schneider posits, "interfacing two-way radios with the wireless PL and wide-area communications on top of that. The role of the Sound Department is going to be greatly expanded, because now you really need wireless frequency coordination and communications coordination." At K-Tek, Brenda explains, "We are looking at selling more interview-style boom poles, extendable hand grips, and more mic accessories that allow for social distancing. We are also looking at our organizing bag products to see how they can be used on sets to carry a new array of supplies to keep sets safe." As for the future in product announcements and customer relations, "It feels like we have quickly adapted to online Zoom meetups and product announcements but we really miss meeting our customers. I can't wait until we can plan our Boom Right with Ken Strain seminars in person or K-Tek road trips. People want to see and demo products in person." With the new set of protocols and limited interaction with crew and cast, I asked what technology might become more useful. Charles Parra immediately spoke of their new sync box, the JB-1, which is as small as a nine-volt battery and can be handed o to the Camera Department, maintaining sync for the entire day as a way of jamming the timecode slates and cameras. Because of the recommendation of more o-site viewing, Peter Schneider said that they work on what they call that "rst mile of connectivity" from the set to a broadband connection. Gotham Sound works with their customers to facilitate the connection of the video and audio signals. "We have to allow for as natural an experience as possible and how to get that communication going with ultra-low latency." The increase of Zoom-type meetings will continue and companies like Sound Devices with their MixPre series, provides an excellent means of better sounding computer- based interactions. Gordon Moore feels that their PDR and SPDR mini-sized recorders might nd increased use with cast as we will be required to limit our contact. But everyone is condent that once production begins, it will roar back and we will be needing everything from PPE, expendables, to new recorders, microphones, and wireless. Once production begins again, how do they see the future? Glen Trew said, "They're starting to buy more equipment in preparation for the comeback and get stu repaired, or maybe get things fabricated. Every week, we've seen an increase, so the condence level is coming up. It's coming back." Glen Trew sums it up: "I think probably now more than ever, supporting your local bricks-and-mortar is very important because it does make an absolute dierence. If they can stay open and keep their local people employed, it will make the biggest dierence now than ever before." "It feels like we have quickly adapted to online Zoom meetups and product announcements but we really miss meeting our customers. I can't wait until we can plan our Boom Right with Ken Strain seminars in person or K-Tek road trips. People want to see and demo products in person." –Brenda Klemme

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