The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2013

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OFF THE CUFF Romancing the Rum AN EXCLUSIVE INTERIVEW WITH ENRIQUE IGLESIAS P op star Enrique Iglesias is known for his swoonworthy singing and lust-worthy Latin-lover appeal, but this mega-celeb is proving he's a man of many talents as a co-owner of Atlantico Rum. Whether he's sharing the brand with fans at a concert or just kicking back to enjoy, Iglesias is an ideal spokesperson for this Dominican Republic–produced rum. THE TASTING PANEL caught up with Iglesias for an exclusive Q&A, and here's what he had to say: Enrique Iglesias is a co-owner of Atlantico Rum. THE TASTING PANEL: How did you become involved with Atlantico? Enrique Iglesias: A friend of mine, who is the founder of the brand, introduced it to me, and as soon as I started to drink it, I liked it. I remember the day I decided to do it, and become involved: We did a blind tasting with ten different rums, and I kept on going back to the Atlantico. I like the taste, and that's ultimately what made me say "Okay, let's do this." TTP: You've said that you're no rum expert. What do you like about working in this business? EI: I didn't know about spirits period—absolutely nothing! But it is a business, and just like music, I am a irm believer that in order to be successful, you have to have passion. And that's what I love about working with Atlantico; it's another opportunity for me to be creative, which is a lot of fun, and I'm always thinking about how I can make sure people know that this is a great rum. TTP: What Atlantico cocktail would you pair with your hit song Bailamos? EI: Atlantico Private Cask on the rocks. If you have more than three of them, you'll be dancing. A lot! may 2013 / the tasting panel / 61

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