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PACIFIC NORTHWEST Keeping Watch on the Willamette WRITER JEN COSSEY GIVES US AN UPDATE ON WHO'S DOING WHAT IN OREGON WINE COUNTRY A s new Oregon wine brands hit the shelves, young winemakers are leaving the comfort of jobs and striking out on their own. Corresponding businesses such as hotels, retailers, bars and restaurants (and the sommeliers that live there) are lourishing alongside them. Here's a short list of some of the up-andcoming notables from the Willamette Valley. CHAD STOCK Minimus Wines, Rickreall Winemaker Chad Stock started Minimus to explore his inquisitive side that had previously been put aside in to respect the styles of already established brands. He works with alternatives to the regional standards, Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris, and is testing different styles of barrels. "Minimus is a series of experiments designed to explore things that I am curious about in wine," says Stock. His current release, Minimus #1, is 70% Viognier and 30% Sauvignon Blanc and uses acacia wood for fermentation and aging. Chad Stock is the winemaker for Minimus Wines. 140 / the tasting panel / may 2013