Wyoming Education Association

Winter 2019

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32 | WEAnews This is your WEA Membership Card. Cut this card out and carry it with you to have easy access to your WEA Member ID #. The number listed above your name is your Member ID Number. If you have changes/updates to your contact or account information, please contact Linda Bottom at 800-442-2395 ext. 102 or lbottom@wyoea.org. Across: 1. Based on the state's cost of living index. 4. The Wyoming Constitution declares quality public education a ? right. 6. The lower chamber. 8. Money generated by the lease or sale of these lands goes into the Common School Permanent Land Fund where it can be spent only on education. 10. Current Wyoming Governor. 11. Begins February 10, 2020. 15. Responsible for the administration & operation of the Wyoming Education Resource Block Grant Funding Model. 16. There are ? members of the Wyoming House of Representatives. 17. These committees study topics assigned by Management Council. 19. Known as the ECA, this $19 million dollars each year is intended to account for increased education costs due to inflation. 21. The period between sessions. 24. Refers to a cyclical economy, subject to peaks & valleys, because of a lack of overall diversity. 25. A maximum cap on the total dollars that the state can spend on special education. 27. The upper chamber. 28. The ? Wage Index. An economic model that attempts to take into consideration various amenities that theoretically impact people's willingness to live in a particular community. 29. Mandatory, formalized state review, conducted every four years, of the costs associated with providing a quality education. 30. WEA members enjoy free access to this grassroots lobbying training February 23-24, 2020. Down 2. An engaged WEA member. Someone willing to contact their legislator through wealegislativeinfo.com to lobby around key education issues. 3. WEA polling reveals this as the least favored method of raising revenue for Wyoming schools. 5. There are ------ members of the Wyoming Senate. 7. Cost adjustments based on the cost of living in various communities across Wyoming. 8. WEA polling reveals this as the most popular method of raising revenue for Wyoming schools. 9. Proposed method of raising revenue for schools by taxing a renewable resource (hint: the resource causes bad hair days). 12. Consists of five elected officials, this board makes decisions regarding the sale & development of school trust lands. 13. This is the primary method of funding schools used in most states. 14. A form of tax on larger businesses paying out-of-state taxes to corporate headquarters' states (i.e. Walmart) that would generate— conservatively—$23 million for Wyoming schools. 15. Located at 200 W. 24th St. Cheyenne, WY 82001 18. The Wyoming State Legislature is a --------- or two-chamber legislature. 20. In this series of cases the Wyoming Supreme Court held that the legislature must fund education "adequately & equitably" & fund education before anything else. 22. There are this many permanent parallel committees in the Wyoming Senate & House of Representatives 23. Permanent parallel committees. 26. The 2020 Budget Session ends in what month? Answers can be found at: bit.ly/winter2020weacrosswordkey. WEA Legislative Affairs Crossword Puzzle Clues

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