Wyoming Education Association

Winter 2019

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1205100

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Page 23 of 31

24 | WEAnews WEA member and CTEA Diversity Caucus founder, Danelle Moyte, alongside other volunteer educators, secured outside sponsorships to take 31 students to the 2019 Latina Youth Conference at the University of Wyoming. "Knowing where you are and where you came from is very important, especially in today's society, Moyte told WEA News. "Finding my true identity has been an amazing experience, and it has allowed me to be able to guide and help the girls see where they're coming from." The conference opened up with ice breakers and a banquet featuring keynote speaker, Attorney, Public Policy Expert and Advocate for Colorado's abused and neglected children, Stephanie Villafuerte. The girls participated in age- appropriate workshops on Robotics Engineering, Latin Dance, Biochemistry Science in the Real World, Community Wellness, and Financial Literacy. "It was empowering to see all of these different women come together and focus on the fact that we are one," shared high school Senior, Liliana Valdez. "It felt good to be there and to be represented with girls in my community and women that I don't know, but I know that they are with me." "I appreciate the Association's support," said Moyte, that has given me the oomph to feel comfortable moving forward and know that I have an awesome Association backing me up. That's just empowering. Why aren't more people doing this? Being a voice for our students and putting yourself out there?" Celebrating Heritage and Diversity LCSD #1 Students Attend the UW Latina Youth Conference

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