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3 | WEAnews CONTENTS 04 - Get Involved: Legislative Wins Depend on Active WEA Members 05 - Advocacy is Essential to Student Success 07 - 2020 WEA Vacancies 08 -09 - 21st Century Education in an 18th Century School: Inside One of America's Last One-Room Schoolhouses 10 - Census Matters 11 - Poverty Simulation: Creating Real Compassion Through Simulated Circumstances 12 -13 - The Art of Teaching: Q & A with Sheila McHattie 14 -15 - Legislative Affairs: The 2020 Budget Session 16 - Wyoming Music Teacher of the Year: Monica Huntington 18 - Career & Technology Education in the Community The Professional Publication of the Wyoming Education Association OUR VISION The WEA is an organization dedicated to creating the best educational environment for all learners and the best working environment for all educational employees. OUR MISSION The mission of the WEA is to advance public education on all levels by: creating equitible educational opportunity for all learners; promoting the highest quality standards for the profession; and expanding the rights furthering the interests of education personnel. The WEA will continue to build a learning community which will provide a high-quality education for all. WEA Elected Officers President Kathy Vetter Vice President Grady Hutcherson Teasurer Kimberly Amen NEA Director Dirk Andrews Board of Directors Christine Fitzgerald, Lydia Rayfield, Vicki Swenson, Catherine Steinbock, Rebecca Murray, Toni Orr, Annie Gripp, Darlene Erickson, John Fabela, Lannette Lahey, Amy Simpson, Heather Rutz, Barbara Gonzalez, Lori Eggleston, Madeline Trujillo-Hamel Contact Cheyenne Office: 800-442-2395 Casper Office: 800-464-6419 Rock Springs Office: 800-660-6771 Lander Office: 800-464-6412 Editor Amanda Turner Layout & Design Kristin Custis The WEA News (ISSN 007-370) is published three times annually by the Wyoming Education Association, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Subscription average $5.49 of WEA members' dues is designated for WEA News. Periodicals postage pending at Cheyenne, WY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send changes to the WEA News, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Copyright 2020, by the Wyoming Education Association. All materials in this periodical may be reproduced by teachers for distribution to students or by affiliate associations for their own publications. Unless expressly stated, acceptence of advertising does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product by the WEA. 08 - 09 • 21st Century Education in an 18th Century School. 20 - WEA-Retired 22 - Positively Mental: This WEA Member's Podcast is Making Mental Health Information More Accessible Across Wyoming 24 - Celebrating Heritage and Diversity: LCSD #1 Students Attend UW Latina Youth Conference 26 - ACEA Legislative Forum 26 - WEA at Work: Building the ESP Pipeline. 27 - Q & A with ESP Eva Trevino-Linton 28 - Welcoming New WEA Staff 29 - AARP Wyoming's Retired Educator of the Year: Debbie Bovee 31 - WEA Legislative Affairs Crossword Puzzle On The Cover: Wyoming Capitol Building - 9