Wyoming Education Association

Winter 2019

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20 | WEAnews WEA plays an integral role in shaping education across Wyoming and WEA-Retired plays a unique part in those efforts. There are so many ways for active and retired members to be actively involved in our Association! I encourage all WEA and WEA-R members to closely follow education legislation throughout this upcoming Budget Session and lobby your legislators. Now is the time to reach out to legislators. Form relationships with elected officials before education issues are addressed at the Capitol. WEA makes it easy to follow legislation and stay informed on legislative affairs. At wealegislativeinfo.com, you will find a Legislative Affairs blog that takes a deep-dive into various topics and bills, a daily bill tracker, updated each evening throughout the session and a cyber-lobbying platform that provides easy-to-understand, in-depth information on bills, and guides visitors through identifying local leaders and participating in coordinated letter-writing campaigns. As an educator, active or retired, you have a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective; it's imperative that you share this with legislators as we work together to shape policies that will impact Wyoming students for generations to come. WEA-R is working with the Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement to get an inflation adjustment passed. It has been nearly 12 years since there were any increases to the Wyoming Retirement System. Although this effort is not an actual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), it would provide for a "13th check" to help those who have been long- retired. Watch for emails from WEA-R with more information as this legislation is drafted. Please join other WEA and WEA-R members for SHAPE Wyoming, a grassroots lobbyist training that empowers regular citizens to engage with the Wyoming Legislature on the issues that matter to them and their communities. SHAPE is sponsored by Wyoming Education Association and the Equality State Policy Center. WEA offers admission to members free of charge. The training takes place at the Red Lion in Cheyenne on Sunday, February 23rd. On Monday, February 24th, participants are encouraged to take part in our Citizen Lobbying Day at the Capitol. There, you'll engage with legislators and put your lobbying skills to the test. To learn more about SHAPE and to register, please visit bit.ly/shapewy2020. WEA and WEA-R Members traveling 100+ miles roundtrip to attend are eligible for a complimentary double occupancy hotel room. To learn more and/or to book a room, please contact the WEA Communications Department at 1-800-660-6771 ext. 116 and ask for Amanda, or leave a message. You may also email Amanda at aturner@wyoea.org. WEA Delegate Assembly and WEA-R's Annual meeting takes place next month, March 27- 29, at the Red Lion Hotel in Cheyenne. As Retired delegates we play an active role in the proceedings at DA. WEA- R's Annual Meeting will be the morning of March 27, just prior to the start of DA. At our WEA-R Annual Meeting we will discuss what we accomplished in 2019, explore what we are currently working on, and make additional plans for the upcoming year. We will also prepare our annual PACE fundraising letter for mailing. Our work will continue during lunch caucus times. I would like to encourage all delegates to attend the WEA's Candidate Forum where we will hear from candidates running for WEA President and Vice President! To learn more about opportunities for WEA-R members around DA, please email me at wyoea.r307@gmail.com. As retired educators, we retire from our position, but need not retire from our profession. Together, active and retired members, can have a positive impact on Wyoming education! Sincerely, Vicki Swenson, WEA-R President WEA-Retired By: Vicki Swenson

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