Take advantage of these
Professional Development & Other Opportunities
Suicide Prevention Webinar: Wed., Mar. 27, 2013, 9:30 - 10:30 AM MDT. A compelling webinar promoting wellness to prevent
suicide; starting early; programs and interventions with impact; and how to best move forward. Register here: https://www2.
Technology conference:��2nd��Annual WyTECC Conference, April 26-27, 2013, Western WY Community College, Rock Springs.
MAVEN Education Ambassadors (MEA) program for Middle and High School Teachers: July 8-12, 2013, at UC Berkeley, CA.
The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN Mission (MAVEN), set to launch in November 2013, will explore the planet���s
upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and interactions with the solar wind. In this NASA-funded program, you will receive training to
become a MAVEN Ambassador with a week-long PD workshop, training on a variety of standards-based classroom activities,
plus follow-up support for several years. Participants are expected to implement some of the lesson plans and education
resources in their own classrooms, as well as conduct teacher trainings in their local area on the mission and related education
activities. Participants will receive a $700 travel stipend for attending the UC-Berkeley workshop, with free housing and meals.
An additional $700 honorarium will be provided after conducting a local workshop.��http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/maven/
education-outreach/for-educators/mea/, click on ���Workshop Application.���
WEA Offers PTSB Credit for NEA Academy Courses! Renew your license or get a college degree at your own location and
at whatever time of day or night works for you! All you need is a computer and Internet access. WEA has partnered with the
Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board to offer PTSB renewal credits for numerous NEA Academy online courses
offered from higher education institutions across the United States. Contact Kathy Scheurman, WEA Professional Issues
Director,��kscheurman@nea.org for details.
Professional development opportunity for middle school and high school science teachers��in their 2nd��through 5th��year of
teaching:�� The National Science Teachers Association is offering comprehensive professional development fellowships for
new teachers (2nd-5th year) to participate in the New Science Teacher Academy, a year-long professional development and
mentoring program provided at no cost to teachers. Emphasizing quality science teaching, enhanced teacher confidence,
classroom excellence, and solid content knowledge, participants experience online and face-to-face support, as well as
access to comprehensive educational resources. More information about the program is available at:����http://www.nsta.org/
academy/.��Application deadline is August 1, 2013.��The application is available at:����http://www.nsta.org/academy/2013/
10th��Annual WyPEC Conference for Paraprofessionals: August 6-8, 2013, at the Best Western Hotel in Casper.��WyPEC will be
celebrating 10 years of high quality professional development for Wyoming���s paraeducators and their partner teachers. http://edu.
Call for Wyoming Geological Association���s Teacher of the Year Award:�� Nominate yourself or a colleague for the annual WGA
Teacher of the Year Award, given to a Wyoming K-12 teacher for ���Excellence in the Teaching of Natural Resources in the Earth
Sciences.�����Deadline ��� May 1, 2013, for teachers to have their applications submitted to WGA.��Nominees must prepare four onepage documents to complete this application. More information is available at: http://foundation.aapg.org/toty/. Send applications
and/or questions to:�� 4leottas@bresnan.net.
WY Grant Opportunity: The State Advisory Council for Innovative Education has released the 2013-14 WY Education Trust
Fund grant application information.��Grant deadline:��June 3, 2013.��Application is available at: http://edu.wyoming.gov/
DataInformationAndReporting/DataCollectionSuite.aspx. The funding should provide innovation in or improvement of public
education through the creation of new, different, and improved educational opportunities in elementary and secondary schools.
Districts may apply individually or in conjunction with other districts.
Well Aware Bulletin: The new issue of this suicide prevention bulletin for Wyoming educators is available online at: http://www.
wellawaresp.org/bulletins/BULLYING%20PREVENTION/Well-Aware-Bulletin-Winter-2013.pdf. Well Aware is dedicated to
improving academics, deterring violence, fostering resiliency, enhancing coping skills, reducing risk, and preventing suicide.
Introducing Staying Strong - New Online Tool Supports Military Families: Educators and parents have a new online tool to
promote resilience and emotional health in military-connected children. Staying Strong (http://www.stayingstrong.org/splash) is
produced by the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, and all materials are available at
no cost. The section for educators features a 25-minute documentary, as well as downloadable tool kits for teachers and school
Certification Renewal: Remember that you can begin your certification renewal process up to 6 months prior to its expiration.
Take a moment right now and look for the expiration date of your certification!��Don���t wait until the last minute���it can take up to
2 months to get your certificate. WY statute prohibits districts from paying certified employees without a current certificate.��You
don���t want to be caught in that situation. http://ptsb.state.wy.us/.
PTSB Newsletter: Wyoming���s PTSB has released its Winter 2012-13 newsletter: ��http://ptsb.state.wy.us/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=VFJWGK7Ua0%3d&tabid=63����
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