Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2019

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1095286

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2 Spring 2019 | wyoea.edu Executive Director's Message Ron Sniffi n WEA Executive Director rsniffi n@wyoea.org You are the Power! The Wyoming Education Association's strength stems from our members. Our collective voice helps to ensure that Wyoming's students benefi t from receiving the best possible education. This edition of the WEA News illustrates our strength, in regard to our ability to be the respected voice for education throughout the legislative session. It was thrilling to see our members, both from the classroom and retired ranks, join our lobby team. Legislators value the knowledge and skills of our staff lobbyists, President Vetter and Government Relations Director Tammy Johnson, yet the perspective of classroom teachers garners a diff erent kind of attention and respect from legislators. Our membership is growing, and locals are getting revitalized statewide. Staff and leaders throughout the state are actively engaging members year-round. Your Region Presidents and Representatives have been joining your UniServ Directors to engage members at their worksites. WEA has budgeted support for our leaders, allowing them to take time out of their busy classrooms to visit each of the locals that they represent. A New Business Item passed at last year's Delegate Assembly requiring the Region Presidents to conduct virtual regional meetings, providing all members an opportunity to interact with their representatives on the WEA Board. This has provided an opportunity for members to engage with their Board representatives on a meaningful and productive level. Membership Recruiting and Organizing is Year- Round! Gone are the days when the back-to-school season was the only time that WEA focused on recruiting new members to the Association. We now engage potential members year-round. We have divided these eff orts into four phases: Back to School This is the most critical and eff ective time of year to engage new employees and potential members. Local leaders and Association Representatives (ARs or Building Reps) have one-on-one conversations with new employees and share the value of membership. New teacher orientations are great opportunities to showcase your local, WEA and NEA to new employees in your district. 4 for your Membership Recognizing how busy members are during the back- to-school season, many locals launch a second wave of organizing when pro-rated dues membership recruitment begins. This starts November 15th and allows potential fi rst-time members to join at a pro- rated cost. This year we implemented the 4 for your Membership campaign: Members' 2020 WEA dues are waived if they recruit four new members before March 31st. Early Enrollment Beginning April 1st, potential members who have never before belonged to WEA can test out the Association for free. During this free trial period, participants will receive many of the benefi ts of membership. They will, however, be ineligible for legal services and they will not be covered under the complimentary life insurance policy. Education Summer Here at WEA, we are excited about the Visionary Leadership Quest to be held in Casper, July 18-20 (more information on back cover). This event seeks to engage our members and potential members, and to provide professional growth opportunities. During the summer, WEA works with locals to prepare organizing plans and to revamp and begin implementing our annual organizing cycle. We are excited to continue to grow our membership and build our capacity. Together we succeed!

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