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X Member Spotlight 11 WEA Spring Conferences and Retreats Central/Northeast Region Retreat Saturday, April 27 in Casper at the Hilton Garden Inn All Central and Northeast Region members are invited to attend a retreat. Door prizes and lunch will be provided. Registration starts at 9:00 am and sessions at 9:30 am. The agenda is still a work in progress. Confi rmed presenters include: David Glenn of NEA Member Benefi ts, Rachel Quist of California Casualty, and WEA President Kathy Vetter. WEA Central/Northeast UniServ Director, Judy Trohkimoinen will be leading a session of True Colors training and Central Region President, Becky Murray will be sharing information from the NCUEA Conference, and Communications and Organizing Director, Andrea Shipley will be leading a session on eff ective communication in your locals. To RSVP please contact UniServ Director Judy Trohkimoinen ( or 307-256-4858). Please share any special dietary restrictions with Judy. Please RSVP by April 24th. WEA-R Retirement Seminars April 6th: Northwest Regions, Worland High School, 9 am – 3 pm May 4th: Southwest Region, Rock Springs District Offi ce, 9 am – 3 pm Join WEA-R to learn more about how the Wyoming Retirement System (WRS), Social Security benefi ts, personal investments and your WRS pension can best benefi t you in retirement. Also, an attorney will be there to discuss wills and trusts. Vicki Swenson, president of WEA-R will provide a brief overview of Medicare: Parts A and B, Medigap/Supplemental Insurance and Part D, prescription coverage. Lunch will be provided. Please contact me for more information on these seminars contact Please share any special dietary restrictions with Vicki and RSVP at least 3 days before the event. Education Summer Events WEA Hosts BEWM and ESP Conferences in June to Develop New Leaders SAVE THE DATE: Because Education in Wyoming Matters (BEWM!) Conference scheduled for June 7-9 in Jackson Hole. BEWM members are identifi ed as public education employees in the fi rst 5 years of their career or as aspiring educators who are currently students. SAVE THE DATE: Education Support Professionals Conference scheduled for June 7-9 in Jackson Hole. ESP members are identifi ed as public education employees including clerical services, custodial and maintenance services, food services, health and student services, paraeducators, security services, skilled trade services, technical services, and transportation services. Visionary Leadership Quest Join WEA July 18-20 at Casper's Hilton Garden Inn for a shared learning journey of transformative experiences to support our members. The "Quest" will further defi ne our visions for what our state and local Associations will be and do as they grow in membership; engage all members in the important work we do on behalf of Wyoming's students, schools, educators, and communities; and, grow in power and eff ectiveness to take on the important challenges facing public education in Wyoming. There is a fi rst time participant track and an advanced track this year. To register, go to JULY 18-20