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Legislative Action 3 Mark your calendars! JANUARY 27-28 SHAPE WYOMING This annual member lobbyist training and practicum gives members the opportunity to learn the ropes of lobbying, and then put those skills to use at the capitol. WEA will provide onsite meals and double occupancy hotel accommodations for members who attend. After the training on Sunday, members will join WEA staff , Wyoming Public Employees Association members and staff , and Wyoming legislators at the annual WEA/WPEA Legislative Reception at the Old West Museum for an evening of relationship building and refreshments. Participants will also attend the Senate Education Committee meeting on Monday morning at the capitol. Register at or contact Tammy Johnson at for more information. "WEA members have an unsung benefi t – skilled and passionate advocates at the capitol and in attendance throughout the year at the legislative committee meetings working to ensure that Wyoming's children are granted their constitutional right to a robust public education." LEGISLATIVE UPDATE We Need Many Voices at the Legislature by Tammy Johnson, WEA Government Relations Director When I was teaching at Laramie High, I thought little about WEA's presence at the legislature as one of my many member benefi ts. There is nothing fun, glossy, or useful (so I thought) about hanging around the capitol waiting to talk to a senator. That was back in the early 90's, before the fi rst Campbell decision came down. After that decision, I remember President Jean Hayek, Treasurer Gary McDowell, and my mentor Karen Maxfi eld all celebrating our victory in the courts. When the Wyoming Supreme Court said Wyoming public schools had to be funded at the cost of education, and the basket of goods had to be "adequate and equitable" the WEA lobbying team played a critical role in assuring the legislature met the court ruling. WEA members have an unsung benefi t – skilled and passionate advocates at the capitol and in attendance throughout the year at the legislative committee meetings working to ensure that Wyoming's children are granted their constitutional right to a robust public education. Yes, WEA has many bases covered during the session. We have lobbyists and a communications team who are monitoring bills, informing legislators, testifying before committees, and preparing updates for members. We have a coalition of education professionals from across the state who are also there sending a common message to legislators. But WE NEED YOU to be part of the eff ort. WEA understands that it is impossible for most members to attend the session and talk to their legislators; we want you to know you have many options that will allow you to make your voice heard: Call Your Legislator: Senate Receptionist (Message for Senators): 307.777.7711 House Receptionist (Messages for Representatives): 307.777.7852 Recommend Support or Opposition for Pending Legislation: Online Hotline: During the legislative session, you can recommend support, opposition or leave a comment on legislation using the Online Hotline. Telephone Hotline: 866.996.8683 or 777.8683 (in Cheyenne). Also use to obtain the status of a bill in process. Available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on days the Legislature is in session. Hearing Impaired: 800.877.9965 (Wyoming Relay Service) Become a Cyber-Lobbyist! Check out to learn how.