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2 Winter 2018 | Executive Director's Message Together we succeed We at the WEA are very proud of the work we do to ensure every student in Wyoming receives the best education possible. People listen to the WEA because they know we have the expertise and experience culminating from our nearly 6000 members, leaders, and staff . We help shape the future of education in Wyoming, but can we do more? Our schools are often the community centers in our towns and cities. We know that the education occurring within our schools will provide the foundation for the future of our children. But our schools do not stand as a silo, or a fortress. Education is just one factor that will determine the success of our next generation. Health, safety, the environment, social issues: all impact the well-being of our children. While we at WEA are experts in the area of education, we have united with other organizations who strive to improve the quality of life for all Wyoming citizens, including the students we teach. One common mantra for the Wyoming Education Association is "Together we succeed!" While this slogan applies to the value of membership, and with more members we have more power. This slogan also applies to coalitions. A successful coalition is often made up of people and organizations from diverse backgrounds. When WEA works with other organizations, they have a better understanding of our education issues, and we better understand their issues. And by working together, a coalition increases the impact of each organization's eff ort. Recognizing how infl uences from outside the school can dramatically impact the ability for a student to learn, WEA works closely with a number of non-public education coalitions. We are heavily involved with the Equality State Policy Center and the Wyoming Retirement Coalition. WEA is a founding member of the Equality State Policy Center (ESPC). WEA relies heavily on the ESPC for expertise around tax issues, good government, and most recently with assisting with the protection of the Wyoming Retirement System. The Wyoming Retirement Coalition is an excellent example of organizations pooling resources and working together for a common goal. This coalition includes public employees, law enforcement, AARP, fi refi ghters, ESPC and others. Created six years ago, we successfully defeated legislative attacks on the retirement system. We are working together again this year to acquire a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for retired state employees. The last COLA was granted over 10 years ago (see page 17). Again, staff and coalition members from the ESPC are instrumental in coordinating these eff orts. We encourage you to explore belonging to or creating a coalition. Involvement in a coalition means there are more people who have a better understanding of your issues and more people advocating on your side. Please let me know if you have ideas for a coalition; we are willing to help! Ron Sniffi n WEA Executive Director rsniffi Coalition building is the making of alliances or coalitions between individuals, groups, or countries who cooperatively work together to reach a common goal. Wyoming Education Coalition Coalition for a Healthy Retirement System Equality State Policy Center Wyoming After School Alliance Wyoming School/University Partnership