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Celebrating Public Schools Strengthens Wyoming Student Outcomes As the holidays approach, many of us take extra time to show our gratitude for the good things in our lives. It could be our family, friends, and neighbors or just the beauty of the changing seasons. This year, the Wyoming Education Association is asking that you also put a teacher or education support professional on your gratitude list. Let's show our public-school pride across the state of Wyoming. The Wyoming Education Association loves our public schools and the teachers, faculty, and education support staff who inspire us. That's why we have launched a program to thank a teacher, faculty member, or education support staff who has made a diff erence in your district. Perhaps it was the help of a school counselor or the welcome a student felt from a bus driver after a tough day at school. Or maybe it was a coach that knew who to get the best out of students even when they weren't sure of themselves. And there's always special teachers throughout students' lives that step in at just the right time and change the course of our lives. No matter the story, we want to hear from you and celebrate the positive impacts public school employees have on student lives in Wyoming. As we collect inspiring stories, we will be highlighting them on our social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in 2019. Thanking educators publicly for the work they do to create good students and citizens is one small way WEA can celebrate the incredible work that happens in our public schools. President's Message Kathy Vetter WEA President 1 We have so much to celebrate as a state. Our state's students lead the nation in the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the Nation's Report Card or NAEP. Wyoming students ranked fi rst in fourth grade mathematics scores and continue to remain above the national average in fourth and eighth grade reading and in eighth grade mathematics. The results of the NAEP scores continue to prove that students in Wyoming are receiving the high-quality education they deserve. In Wyoming public schools, children from all backgrounds and circumstances come together to learn and be inspired by professionals who believe in and are devoted to their fulfi lling their learning potential. Our state cherishes our students, believes in the adequate and equitable funding of our public schools, and our overall achievement in the classroom shows. On the heels of the 2018 election, WEA would like to congratulate everyone who ran for offi ce and we look forward to working with all of the new elected offi cials, statewide and local, to improve our public schools. There are so many important things that we can work together to accomplish for Wyoming classrooms in the state and beyond. I want to invite everyone to wear Red for Ed every Wednesday during the legislative session this year to show a united front for public education. Most of all, I want to thank Wyomingites for being involved in public education. We know that an engaged and caring community makes a diff erence in student learning. This year consider join us in gratitude by thanking an employee who has made an impact at one of Wyoming's public schools at, then consider sharing it on social media with the hashtag #StandwithWEAStandforstudents. When we celebrate education together, we strengthen student outcomes.