Computer Graphics World

Edition 4 2018

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e d i t i o n 4 , 2 0 1 8 | c g w 1 departments on the cover Editor's Note The holiday season is here, and what better way to celebrate than at the theater, as studios unwrap some amazing films filled with VFX and CGI? Spotlight News: Ryff brings dynamic product placement to OTT video streaming via VR & visual computing • ILM TV to target television and streaming services spoiler alert! Illumination artists transform the story of the Grinch who stole Christmas into a full-length CG feature film, expanding the story and using 3D to retell this tale for a new audience. 2 12 C O M P U T E R G R A P H I C S W O R L D CGW features 4 Visit for Web-only features and news POSTMAGAZINE.COM See it in Post Post 's Annual Outlook Issue, in which industry pros look at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of the post market and at trends coming in the months ahead. today's reality Virtual is the next, next thing, so designers beware! 39 Supercalifragilistic- expialidocious! Mixing the classic and the new: Creating the visual effects for the highly-anticipated Mary Poppins Returns. Internet explorer Artists create a vast digital 'Net universe filled with characters of all types for Ralph Breaks the Internet. Magic in the real world Visual effects artists give the Wizarding World's latest cinematic adventure a big dose of digital magic. Not Your Father's Nutcracker Artists at MPC, with help from Rodeo FX and Luma, create a fantasy world to help move the familiar Christmas story into new territory. red carpet worthy Awards season is upon us, and the competition is heating up. Here we look at films to watch.. 30 24 18 6 36 POST DECEMBER 2018 W H E R E T E C H N O L O G Y A N D TA L E N T M E E T S M PLUS: POST'S ANNUAL SWOT ISSUE VFX: MARY POPPINS RETURNS ANIMATION: THE GRINCH MAKING MOVIE MAGIC! DIRECTOR ROB MARSHALL ON MARY POPPINS RETURNS

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