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52 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2018 | AG-AFTRA's multipronged campaign to grow and preserve union-covered commercial work recently entered a new phase. Following the unilateral withdrawal of Bartle Bogle Hegarty LLC (a subsidiary of Publicis Groupe) from SAG-AFTRA's Commercials Contracts, the National Board on Sept. 20 voted unanimously to declare a strike against BBH, a global agency that conceptualizes and creates ad campaigns for its clients. The board noted that the strike was called in response to BBH's reprehensible and illegal decision to walk away from its contractual obligations. "We must protect members from BBH's exploitative practices," the National Board stated. "Members must stand together and refuse all work for the company." A week later, some 1,000 members took to the streets to picket in front of the ad agency's Los Angeles office. By midday on Sept. 27, an inflatable rat chomping on a cigar and holding bags of cash could be seen towering over Melrose Avenue as members marched on the sidewalk in front of the company's West Coast headquarters. Strikers called for BBH to respect the union contract it's been a signatory to for nearly two decades. "Our members won't stand for BBH walking out on its contractual obligations. We are taking a stand," said SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris. "Union performers and their allies must hold the line against those attempting to undercut our ability to sustain middle-class jobs in our industry." Member Laurel Coppock, a commercials actor and national spokesperson for an automobile company, called commercial work her "bread and butter." Left and above, members unite in support of union protections like fair wages, health care and on-set safety. M A R G A R ITA COR P O R A N PH O T OGR A P HY /S AG- A F T R A X 2