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10 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2018 | G A B R I E L L E C A R T E R I S A Letter from the President "The union stands on the shoulders of its member activists." Dear Member, W hether it is groundbreaking bargaining achievements on our major contracts or further strengthening our position in a rapidly evolving industry, we are seeing significant results from our work. As I meet and talk with members throughout the country, I am continuously impressed with your engagement on our issues. I have heard directly from you about the multiple achievements we have made since the merger. Our union experience has been dramatically enhanced by the meaningful economic and safety gains within our contracts and the more effective and efficient use of digital solutions, including our new direct deposit services, faster residual payments, member mobile app, redesigned website, and highly rated member Contact Center. We are deeply engaged with working on some of our most important industry issues, which include a number of technological innovations. In October, I led our delegation at Carnegie Mellon University in participating in several educational panels and demonstrations. We saw programs showcasing advanced robotics and artificial intelligence tools — all with the potential to directly impact our work. It is a reminder that we are living in an amazing time that will almost certainly lead to more work opportunities, even as it presents challenging disruptions. We are exerting serious oversight of these innovations and their impact on our membership. With Executive Vice President Rebecca Damon, National Executive Director David White and experts, we are ensuring that SAG-AFTRA's interests are kept front and center. We also are working in tandem with leading industry organizations on legislative and policy improvements. Together with the MusicFirst Coalition, we recently championed passage of the Music Modernization Act. Under this new federal copyright law, legacy artists — including union session musicians and singers — are entitled to performance royalties for plays of pre- 1972 sound recordings on digital services such as SiriusXM and Pandora. This is a huge victory for legacy artists, such as Sam Moore, Peter Wolf and Dionne Warwick, who gave so much to their art and will now receive compensation. What became clear to me at the conclusion of this long hard battle is that change can take time, but if we stay focused and invested, it can happen. Meanwhile, we have been negotiating contracts in multiple areas. Our newly negotiated Television Animation Agreements and Sound Recordings Code are right now out for ratification. Both are innovative deals achieved through the hard work of member negotiating committees. The union has also formed a comprehensive new program setting a baseline professional standard for stunt coordinators. Rolling out in 2020, the Stunt Coordinator Minimum General Standards Eligibility Process Guideline will be the first of a number of safety improvements. The President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Safety is committed to evaluating and enhancing on-set safety and protections across all contracts. Programs like this will have a lasting, positive impact. The union stands on the shoulders of its member activists — those just starting out and those who are more established in their careers. I want to thank and honor each one of you for your engagement and contributions. As we continue to ramp up our efforts, there is so much that you can do to help. Stay informed by reading the union's magazine, newsletters and eblasts. Attend union events. Connect to the website and your member app for news and follow the union in social media. Subscribe to our new SAG-AFTRA podcast when it launches in the new year. The podcast will feature in-depth conversations with fellow members and industry leaders on topics that directly affect your livelihoods. Finally, stay active and connected. Nowhere is this more important than in the #StrikeBBH and #AdsGoUnion campaigns. Your participation is crucial to our success. Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season and a great start to 2019. Strength in unity, Gabrielle Carteris