Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2018

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Fall 2018 | wyoea.edu X Fal Fal Fa Fa l 2 l 2018 018 18 18 | wyoe yoe yoe yoe oea.e a.e a.e a.e a.edu du du du du X Start when ) f)s your schedule Fall, Spring, Summer CHADRON STATE COLLEGE AFFORDABLE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMS Curriculum and Instruction Educational Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Organizational Management School Counseling Apply Now at csc.edu *Not all required courses available online. For complete course listing, visit csc.edu/graduate/degree.csc csc.edu | 1-800-CHADRON | 1000 Main Street | Chadron, Nebraska Chadron State College is an equal opportunity institution. CSC does not discriminate against any student, employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, or age in employment and education opportunities, including but not limited to admission decisions. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and practices may be directed to: Ted Tewahade, Title IX Compliance Coordinator, Chadron State College, 1000 Main St., Chadron, NE 69337, Telephone: 308-430-0980, Email: titleixcoordinator@csc.edu

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