Teaching and Learning
Continue your professional learning!
Computer Science Edmodo Group Established
Join the new Computer Science Edmodo group for Wyoming teachers to share resources with other computer
science educators. Visit the WDE Standards page at https://edu.wyoing.gove/educators/standards/, scroll down
and clink on the Statewide PLC on Edmodo link, then click on the computer science link.
National Board Certifi cation Running Start Workshop
October 4-6. You must be a National Board Candidate and have paid your registration fee as well as your
portion of the component fee to the NBPTS to attend this workshop.
2018 Wyoming Innovations in Learning
November 7-9, Evanston
2018 NCTE Annual Convention
November 15-18, Houston TX
NCSD Professional Development Courses
Fall courses include work in: Instructional strategies, classroom management, inclusion, and technology
integration. PTSB and UW Graduate Outreach Enrichment credit available. For course questions, contact Jeff
Brewster or Marie Puryear at Jeff _Brewster@natronaschools.org, Marie_Puryear@natronaschools.org.
"Why do I let this sunfl ower grow here? Because I am a teacher.
Not all my students end up in the fl ower bed. Some are in the
cracks. I could tear it from its spot and attempt to transplant
it, force it to grow where all the fl owers are expected to grow.
What are the chances it will fl ourish? If that fl ower has the guts
to grow in that crack, then I'm gonna water it where it's at, and
watch it grow!"
Pam Greek, Worland High School Art Teacher and WEA Member