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Fall 2018 | X 22 Fall 2018 | How Your 2018–2019 Dues Dollars Are Allocated The chart below shows how your NEA dues ($192.00; $116.50 ESP) are allocated to support and represent members and affiliates in their efforts to achieve NEA's mission. Identify, recruit, support, and engage new educators in our Association, and connect them with opportunities for professional learning, leadership, and advocacy. Recruit and Engage New and Early Career Educators $5.43 (ESP $3.30) Support members in advancing racial justice in education and improving conditions for students, families, and communities through, awareness, capacity-building, partnership, and individual and collective action. Advance Racial Justice in Education $7.79 (ESP $4.73) $13.40 $22.72 $19.38 $62.03 $54.80 $5.32 $5.43 $7.79 $1.13 Build a system of Association-convened, educator-led professional learning and supports for all educators across their career continua to ensure student success. Provide Professional Supports $13.40 (ESP $8.13) Implement advocacy programs for members including the Unified Legal Services Program, Fidelity Bond, Association Professional Liability insurance, and a 1 million dollar per member Educators Employment Liability insurance program. Legal and Insurance Support $19.38 (ESP $11.76) Ongoing functions across the enterprise that support the strategic objectives, build lasting strength, and sustain the organizational infrastructure. Enterprise Operations $54.80 (ESP $33.25) Develop and leverage the collective organizational capacity across our Association that is necessary to advance the mission of the NEA and its affiliates, with particular focus on organizing, technology, fiscal health, leadership development, and internal and external partnerships. Enhance Organizational Capacity $62.03 (ESP $37.63) No dues dollars are used to support NEA Member Benefits programs. Use all available means, including organizing, legal, legislative, electoral, and collective action, to secure the environment necessary to protect the rights of students and educators, and the future of public education. Secure the Environment to Advance the Mission of the NEA and its Affiliates $22.72 (ESP $13.78) Provide funding for emergencies at the national, state, or local levels. Contingency $1.13 (ESP $0.69) Develop and sustain effective structures, processes, and leaders to increase educator influence in decision-making at worksite, district, state, and national levels. Increase Educator Voice, Influence, and Professional Authority $5.32 (ESP $3.23) Save With Dave NEA Click & Save This is our most popular discount program for NEA members and their families. This exclusive shopping service off ers savings on brand name merchandise from hundreds of top retailers, online stores, and local merchants. Save on clothing, electronics, restaurants, jewelry, movie tickets and more! This is a wonderful way for you to recoup your dues dollars and participate in a shopping rewards program. Within this site you can save money from stores like Best Buy, Home Depot, Macys, movie theater tickets, theme parks and so many additional places. The key is to shop at these stores through Click and Save instead of going directly to their sites. As a bonus you will also have access to WOW points which you can redeem as a discount off of future purchases. As an added bonus you can also share this shopping experience with other people by selecting the Invite A Friend option. Now when you get ready to take that trip to Disney, go to a restaurant, go out for a date night to the movies, attend a local sporting event or anything else be sure to look into Click & Save to see the many available savings options that await you. Visit register your account with your personal email address and start taking advantage of your benefi ts and put some money back in your pocket.