Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2018

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1036712

Contents of this Issue


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Fall 2018 | wyoea.edu Football season is here, so let's wrap up this article with an insightful quote from Coach Vince Lombardi: Tap into your local association. Step up to the line. See the goal on the horizon. Let's move together and score the points needed to make our vision for Wyoming's schools and WEA's members a shining example of eff ective leadership, setting the bar high for ourselves and our colleagues. Our students deserve our vision becoming their reality. X 20 Fall 2018 | wyoea.edu "To me, a leader is a visionary that energizes others. This defi nition of leadership has two key dimensions: A) Creating the vision of the future, and B) inspiring others to make the vision a reality." - Coach Vince Lombardi Vicki Swenson, Lanette Lahey, Greg Herold, and Rebecca Murray explore ways to organize for education. John Fabela, Nikki Lally, Paige Gustafson and WEA President Kathy Vetter discuss organizing strategies. WEA members from across the state gathered for a Visionary Leadership Quest in August.

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