CDG - The Costume Designer

Summer 2018

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10 The Costume Designer Summer 2018 LET'S TALK EMMY! UNION LABEL Congratulations to all of our 2018 Outstanding Costume Emmy nominees. With such a profusion of incredible entries, narrowing the field to five nominees per category was a feat in itself. A big thank-you to our voting active members for their time viewing and assessing this year's astounding number of stunning productions. Important dates to remember: Final round of vot- ing begins August 13 and closes August 27 at 10:00 PM. It is crucial for all active voting members to vote. Your numbers and votes help our PGEC raise awareness and the profile of Costume Design within the Academy. Invitations for the Nominee and Certificate Reception will arrive soon, so save the date: August 18. Once again, FIDM hosts and honors our world at their beautiful Outstanding Costume Design for Television exhibit. We hope to see everyone there. It's a vivacious, glamorous, and delicious summer evening to see and chat with your colleagues—a not-to- be-missed spectacular! But back to voting, I'd like to remind everyone voting in the final round, Costume is considered an "Area Award" and that means we have the ability to have multiple "winners." I know this is confusing, as we're all ingrained with the first, second, third mentality, but the rules actually state, as published in the Primetime Emmy Awards Rules and Procedures: "An Area Award is non-competitive. In the final judging round, each nomination is considered on its own terms without regard to the other nominations in the area. Any nomination with at least 90% approval receives an Emmy. If none of the nominations receives 90% approval, the nomination with the highest approval receives the Emmy." In a nutshell, if you feel there is more than one nominated production worthy of receiving an Emmy for outstanding costuming, please mark your ballot accordingly. You can and should vote for every single nomi- nee if you feel the work is qualified. With the plethora of amazing work being presented, it's often difficult to have to "choose." In this round, you're welcome to honor those nominees you feel worthy. It doesn't lessen the value of receiving an Emmy but honors the quality of every- one's work being done. We at the Academy hope you will take the time to view the nominee submissions and consider the work fairly and honestly on its own merits and not competitively. Your Peer Group Committee has worked diligently to update and cam- paign for recognition and equality of Costume Design. We're thrilled to have successfully established a fourth Emmy area, separating Period Costumes from Sci-Fi/Fantasy Costumes. With the abundance of submis- sions rising in both areas, you gave us the necessary means to make it happen. Thank you! We hope you feel, as we do, that each of these areas is unique unto themselves and deserves to be recognized for their individual approaches and treatments. Discussing our need to separate Period from Sci-Fi/ Fantasy, Anna Wyckoff summed it up perfectly, "We wouldn't compare a comedic actor to a dramatic actor." Have a terrific summer. Vote and we'll see you August 18 at FIDM! Cheers everyone, Costume Design and Supervision Governors Terry Ann Gordon and Sue Bub @pinkleoboutique 1n5n S. Fyyyyyx nvy . Lyy nynyyyy, Cn nnn1n (323) n2nn515n yyyyyy@nyyyy . yyy 2 FyyyyyySynyn yy LnCnn & Tny Gyyvy Walk-ins welcomed - please call ahead for availability yy yyyyyyyyyy yyy y yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyy Unique handpicked pieces for Ladies & Gentlemen nyynnyny nyyyyny yyyynyyn nny n nny nyyyyny nyyyyyyyyyy nyyyyy yyy nyyynyyy yyyynyyn

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